Top 25 Weirdest Things Found by Airport Security
Explore top 25 bizarre items caught by Airport Security & TSA. From marine fish to Thor's Hammer, these finds will astonish any traveler!

Strange things at Airport Security is a common find, for people like the TSA and other Airport Security teams around the world. Airports can be a busy place, lots of people, luggage and cases moving around all over the place! For for most people forgetting to take out their liquids can be quite an embarrassment...but for other people thats just child's play! For your enjoyment here are the....
Top 25 weird, wacky and downright crazy things ever found at airport security/TSA.
25) - Something smells Fishy...
Thats right, a fish definitely out of water! Not just one fish though over 163 types of Marine tropical fish. He hoped to fill up a large aquarium. Thankfully those little Nemo's were handed over to the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service!

Fish | By Ch Maheswara Raju via Wikimedia Commons
24) - Thors Hammer!
As crazy as it sounds, this viking god was flying through Burlington International Airport in Vermont back in 2014! Who knows why??
It has to be said though it wasn't a large metal mallet but a wooden one, so he must have been just practicing! The TSA confiscated the item, as sledgehammers and mallets can be used as bludgeons and are prohibited as carry-ons. However, they can be checked in! So Thor will have no problem in the future!

Thors Hammer | By The British Museum via Wikimedia Commons
23) - A Gas Mask with Bullets attached!
I know that recirculated air on planes is bad but wow! There is no official rule that Gas masks are not aloud, however as this particular one looked like something to be used by a revolutionary mercenary it was taken of the passenger at Miami International Airport!
The bullets were actually replicas, but due to the similarities the TSA took a hard stance to avoid causing panic!I've got Banes Christmas present sorted!

22) - No Sex to Marriage?
So back in 1800's it was considered by some quite deadly to leave their spouses open to controlling their desires when they were away! So whats the solution? A Steel Chastity Belt, this is attached around the waist of the user or 'victim" to prevent sexual intercourse and even self pleasure! At Athens Airport a British woman was stopped by security due to the metal detector Beeping!
The crazy part was she was actually wearing the Steel chastity belt as a guarantee of her loyalty for her husband during her holiday. Having trust is crazy i suppose...

Female chastity belt | By Craig Nagy via Wikimedia Commons
21) - Crocodile Hunter!
A passenger traveling to Bangkok Airport from Bangladesh was apprehended after security found seven freshwater baby crocodiles hidden in suitcases. The authorities received a tip off from an unknown source in order to find the little scoundrels!

Clutch of baby crocodiles | By Thomas Quine via Wikimedia Commons
20) - Blood or Salsa Sauce?
So we all love Mexican food the burritos, enchiladas etc. But who's ever thought instead of eating it, i will use it to conceal a knife! A little bit too spicy for most. A passenger was caught by security at Sonoma Airport in California bringing an enchilada with a knife hidden on the inside on to a flight. The TSA concluded it was an "accident" and the passenger was released. Lucky man.
19) - $1.2 Million Dollars in Gold bullion.
Yes this isn't a storyline from James Bonds arch nemesis GoldFinger. On a routine flight from Mumbai to Bangkok this was discovered during the aeroplane clean up! I've heard of forgetting your phone but this is a new level of stupidity.
According to a source at Mumbai airport, India is well known for regular smuggling of gold.
18) - Cannonball fire!
In the days of Napoleon Cannonballs were commonplace, this days not so common? So where did he get this from?
The story goes, a diver was on an exploration dive and came accross an 18th century shipwreck, where swimming through one of the passages he found the old cannonball cupped it in his arm and managed to swim to surface.
Then the following day he checked it into his luggage along with his socks and pants, Security control concluded it was too dangerous and potentially explosive, this resulted in an evacuation of all 300 passengers from the plane!

A pile of cannonballs | By Frank Schulenburg via Wikimedia Commons
17) - A loaded Pistol in a PC.
So we all remember those big box PC's in the 90's and perhaps even have one lying around with windows 95 on it. They seem pretty useless these days, but too one man it was a perfect carry case for his real 9mm pistol! TSA officials found it in a checked bag at George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
In the U.S.A, Guns are allowed in checked luggage if they are unloaded and securely packaging,, you also must declare it.

Loaded pistol | By Jack Kingsman via Wikimedia Commons
16) - A Belt with a hidden Knife
We've seen these in old movies, but apparently in the U.S some people actually use them for protection. The TSA discovered this at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport. This leather belt houses a hidden compartment with a knife tucked inside. Under TSA guidelines this is a concealed weapon which is not allowed in the carry-on. However, the belt could have been put in checked luggage. Source: TSA
15) - An old gas lit lamp
So we've all been their, reading on the plane and the cabin lights go out, no problem just pull out your trusty gas lamp and get that baby burning. This was discovered at San Diego International Airport back in 2017. It was found in a passenger’s carry-on luggage and confiscated by the TSA.
TSA states: "The lamp could have been permitted on board if it was clear of all traces of fuel."
14) - Christmas Decorations or Ninja Stars.
No Jackie Chan wasn't on board at the time, one man had Ninja throwing stars in his carry on case at Milan airport. He tried to explain they were "for Christmas" who knows?

Ninja star | By Kaliostro via Wikimedia Commons
13) - Human skin pills.
So most parents always remind us to take your vitamins, but in the far east some people believe taking pills with human skin inside are believe to increase their stamina and energy. South Korean customs officers discovered thousands of these pills filled with human skin being brought in from China. According to the Daily Mail.
12) - Pigeons
I thought pigeons don't need to check in before taking a flight? According to the Telegraph A passenger on a flight from Dubai was stopped at Melbourne Airport with a pigeon in each of his socks. I've heard of pigeon racing but Boeing 747 speed is definitely cheating. Source: Telegraph.
11) - Money enclosed in pastry.
Yes it sounds like something out of Ocean 11 or a Godfather movie where little Vito has to pay the hitman in the most creative fashion. In 2012, German customs agents reportedly discovered money launderers at the Berlin Schönefeld Airport who had rolled up bills and concealed them in pastries.
My advice, don't get hungry on will cost you.

By Flying Logos via Wikimedia Commons
10) - Peanut butter and Marijuana
So some people like peanut butter and some like the Mary Jane, put them both together is a very fun plane ride!

Jar of peanut butter | Shisma via Wikimedia Commons
9) - Lipstick taser.
So some say travelling alone as a female can be frightening. So instead of learning self defence and staying out of dark alleyways, one woman decided to bring her lovely liptick taser with her. This was found in the womans back in Vermout. The exact voltage was 350,000 volts!
Yes she's sweet but a psycho.
8) - Snakes on the plane.
This is not just a Samual Jackson movie this actually happened. Luckily the Australian officials intercepted the packages before they made it onto the plane. The officials discovered two live 16-inch emerald green tree boas constrictors in clay pots in air mail to Sweden from Adelaide.
7) - Caterpillars
This plane must be bugged!
A 22-year-old man attempted to sneak 207 pounds of dried caterpillars through customs at Gatwick Airport in England. According to this source the man claimed that he was going to use them for “food” and “personal consumption" . I will stick to my plane food thanks.
6) - A Cute Pug
Some people hate leaving their pets at home when they go away. One woman flying from Heathrow Airport in London to Marbella, Spain for a girls holiday was discovered to have the little pug named Ruby tucked in her check in bag asleep.

Pug life. Weird things found by Airport Security
5) - Bear Spray.
According to the TSA, A canister of bear deterrent was confiscated at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Not for it being a bear deterrent but just because it was over the allowed liquid size!
4) - An Urn.
This was discovered by customs agents at an airport in France. Although not specifically banned from check in luggage, questions were asked regarding it's contents. Luckily she was allowed to fly.

Human urn | By John L. Severance Fund via Wikimedia Commons
3) - Goat Meat and Cocaine.
Who likes goat meat? while known criminal Yudishtir Maharaj was caught trying to smuggle cocaine stuffed inside frozen goat meat at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport in 2014. Source: Daily mail.
2) - A Beard
Beards have become pretty fashionable in recent years, the strange part about this story is he wasn't wearing any of the beards at the time. For St paddies day in 2019 one man was found at Dublin airport to have a full sack of real beards apparently for a costume party, questions were asked but ultimately he was left through. Witnesses stated the "Man smelt like Guinness"
Top of the morning to ya!
1) - An 8 year old child!
According to the BBC, An eight-year-old Ivorian boy was smuggled into Spain from Morocco inside a suitcase Source:
BBC Africa (@BBCAfrica) May 8, 2015
Must have been a cramped flight, better stick to economy next time.
If you have heard any crazy stories about what has been found at airport security or have any reactions to the above comment below!
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Tobi Miles is a University of Florida graduate turned globe-trotting culinary explorer and digital nomad expert. As the founder of "Bytes & Bites," he combines his passion for international cuisine with practical advice on remote work, inspiring others to experience the world through food and cultural immersion. With 32 countries under his belt and a knack for uncovering hidden culinary gems, Tobi is redefining the intersection of work, travel, and gastronomy for a new generation of adventurers.