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73 Basic Portuguese Phrases for Your Next Trip to São Tomé and Príncipe 🌴☀️🇸🇹

Learn 73 essential Portuguese phrases for your trip to São Tomé and Príncipe. Greet locals, order food, bargain, and make friends with this comprehensive guide to the unique dialect spoken on these stunning islands.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
73 Basic Portuguese Phrases for Your Next Trip to São Tomé and Príncipe 🌴☀️🇸🇹

Oi gente! 👋 That means "Hey everyone!" in Portuguese, the official language of the stunning island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe. While Portuguese is spoken in several countries around the world, the dialect and slang used in São Tomé and Príncipe is truly unique. So before you pack your bags and head to this tropical paradise, let's dive into 73 essential Portuguese phrases that will have you blending in with the locals in no time! 😎

Greetings and Pleasantries

  1. Oi (oh-ee) - Hi
  2. Bom dia (bom dee-ah) - Good morning
  3. Boa tarde (bo-ah tar-day) - Good afternoon
  4. Boa noite (bo-ah noy-tay) - Good evening/Good night
  5. Olá (oh-lah) - Hello
  6. Tudo bem? (too-doo bane) - How are you?
  7. Estou bem, obrigado/a (eh-stow bane, oh-bree-gah-doo/dah) - I'm fine, thank you
  8. Tchau (chow) - Bye
  9. Até logo (ah-teh loh-goo) - See you later
  10. Até amanhã (ah-teh ah-mahn-yah) - See you tomorrow
  11. Adeus (ah-day-oosh) - Goodbye
  12. Por favor (poor fah-vohr) - Please
  13. Obrigado/a (oh-bree-gah-doo/dah) - Thank you
  14. De nada (dee nah-dah) - You're welcome

In São Tomé and Príncipe, greeting people with a smile and a friendly "Oi" or "Bom dia" goes a long way. The locals are known for their warm hospitality, so don't be surprised if you find yourself engaged in a lively conversation within minutes of meeting someone new!

Getting Around

  1. Onde fica...? (ohn-day fee-kah) - Where is...?
  2. Como chego a...? (koh-moo sheh-goo ah) - How do I get to...?
  3. Esquerda (esh-kehr-dah) - Left
  4. Direita (dee-ray-tah) - Right
  5. Reto (heh-too) - Straight ahead
  6. Pare (pah-ray) - Stop
  7. Táxi (tah-shee) - Taxi
  8. Autocarro (ow-too-kah-hoo) - Bus
  9. Qual é a tarifa? (kwah-ooh eh ah tah-ree-fah) - What's the fare?
  10. Pode me levar para...? (poh-day may lay-vahr pah-rah) - Can you take me to...?

Getting around São Tomé and Príncipe is an adventure in itself! The islands are small, but the roads can be winding and bumpy. Don't hesitate to ask locals for directions or hail a taxi to explore the hidden gems of this beautiful nation.

At the Restaurant

  1. Posso ver o menu? (poh-soo vehr ooh meh-noo) - Can I see the menu?
  2. O que você recomenda? (ooh kay voh-seh heh-koh-mehn-dah) - What do you recommend?
  3. Eu sou vegetariano/a (eh-ooh soh veh-zheh-tah-ree-ah-noo/nah) - I'm vegetarian
  4. Eu sou alérgico/a a... (eh-ooh soh ah-lehr-zhee-koo/kah ah) - I'm allergic to...
  5. Eu gostaria de... (eh-ooh goh-stah-ree-ah day) - I would like...
  6. A conta, por favor (ah kohn-tah, poor fah-vohr) - The bill, please
  7. Estava delicioso! (eh-stah-vah deh-lee-see-oh-zoo) - It was delicious!

São Tomé and Príncipe's cuisine is a mouthwatering fusion of African, Portuguese, and tropical influences. Must-try dishes include calulu (a spicy stew made with fish or meat), grilled lobster, and chocolate mousse made with locally grown cocoa. Don't forget to wash it all down with a refreshing glass of palm wine!

Shopping and Bargaining

  1. Quanto custa? (kwahn-too koo-stah) - How much does it cost?
  2. É muito caro (eh mwee-too kah-roo) - It's too expensive
  3. Pode fazer um desconto? (poh-day fah-zehr oom desh-kohn-too) - Can you give me a discount?
  4. Aceita cartão de crédito? (ah-say-tah kahr-tow day kreh-dee-too) - Do you accept credit card?
  5. Eu vou levar (eh-ooh voh leh-vahr) - I'll take it

Bargaining is a common practice in São Tomé and Príncipe's markets. Don't be afraid to negotiate prices, but always do so with a smile and respect for the seller. Remember, a good deal is one that leaves both parties happy!

Emergencies and Health

  1. Socorro! (soh-koh-hoo) - Help!
  2. Chame uma ambulância! (shah-may oo-mah ahm-boo-lahn-see-ah) - Call an ambulance!
  3. Onde fica o hospital? (ohn-day fee-kah ooh ohs-pee-tahl) - Where is the hospital?
  4. Eu estou doente (eh-ooh eh-stoh doo-ehn-tay) - I'm sick
  5. Eu preciso de um médico (eh-ooh preh-see-zoo day oom meh-dee-koo) - I need a doctor
  6. Eu tenho dor de... (eh-ooh teng-yoo door day) - I have pain in...

While São Tomé and Príncipe is generally a safe destination, it's always good to be prepared for emergencies. Make sure you have travel insurance and keep a list of important phone numbers handy, including your hotel, embassy, and local emergency services.

Making Friends and Flirting

  1. Qual é o seu nome? (kwah-ooh eh ooh seh-ooh noh-may) - What's your name?
  2. Prazer em conhecê-lo/a (prah-zehr ane koh-nyeh-seh-loo/lah) - Nice to meet you
  3. De onde você é? (day ohn-day voh-seh eh) - Where are you from?
  4. Você é muito bonito/a (voh-seh eh mwee-too boo-nee-too/tah) - You're very beautiful/handsome
  5. Quer sair comigo? (kehr sah-eer koh-mee-goo) - Want to go out with me?
  6. Eu gosto de você (eh-ooh goh-stoo day voh-seh) - I like you

São Toméans are friendly and outgoing, so don't be surprised if you find yourself making new friends quickly. If you're looking to flirt, be respectful and take cues from the other person's body language and responses. A genuine compliment and a charming smile can go a long way!

Local Slang and Expressions

  1. Leve-leve (leh-vay leh-vay) - Take it easy, no worries
  2. Fixe (fee-shay) - Cool, awesome
  3. Bué (boo-eh) - A lot, many
  4. Iá (ee-ah) - Hey, yo
  5. Baza (bah-zah) - Get out, leave
  6. Cá (kah) - Here
  7. Gajo/a (gah-zhoo/zhah) - Guy/girl
  8. Curtir (koor-teer) - To enjoy, to have fun
  9. Mínimo (mee-nee-moo) - A small amount of money
  10. Sócio/a (soh-see-oh/ah) - Buddy, pal

Locals in São Tomé and Príncipe often use slang and expressions that may not be found in standard Portuguese phrasebooks. Don't be afraid to ask what a word means if you're unsure – most people will be happy to teach you and appreciate your effort to learn their lingo!

Culture and Customs

  1. Desculpe (desh-kool-pay) - Excuse me, sorry
  2. Com licença (kom lee-sen-sah) - Excuse me (to pass by)
  3. Saúde! (sah-oo-day) - Cheers! (When toasting)
  4. Bom apetite (bom ah-peh-tee-tay) - Enjoy your meal
  5. Feliz aniversário (feh-leez ah-nee-vehr-sah-ree-oh) - Happy birthday
  6. Feliz Natal (feh-leez nah-tahl) - Merry Christmas
  7. Feliz Ano Novo (feh-leez ah-noo noh-voo) - Happy New Year

In São Tomé and Príncipe, family and community are highly valued. Greeting people, even strangers, is a sign of respect and friendliness. When visiting someone's home, it's polite to bring a small gift, such as flowers, sweets, or a bottle of wine.

Things to Watch Out For

  1. Cuidado! (kwee-dah-doo) - Be careful! Watch out!
  2. Não toque (now toh-kay) - Don't touch
  3. É proibido (eh proh-ee-bee-doo) - It's forbidden
  4. Não entre (now ehn-tray) - Do not enter
  5. Perigo (peh-ree-goo) - Danger
  6. Não fume (now foo-may) - No smoking
  7. Não fotografe (now foh-toh-grah-fay) - No photography
  8. Desculpe, eu não falo português (desh-kool-pay, eh-oo now fah-loo por-too-gehz) - Sorry, I don't speak Portuguese

While São Tomé and Príncipe is generally a safe and welcoming destination, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and respect local rules and customs. Don't leave your belongings unattended on the beach, and always ask permission before taking photos of people or private property.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What currency is used in São Tomé and Príncipe?

The official currency is the São Tomé and Príncipe dobra (STN). However, euros are widely accepted in tourist areas.

2. Do I need a visa to visit São Tomé and Príncipe?

Most nationalities require a visa to enter São Tomé and Príncipe. Check with your local embassy or consulate for specific requirements.

3. What is the best time of year to visit São Tomé and Príncipe?

The best time to visit is during the dry season, which runs from June to September. The weather is warm and sunny, making it perfect for beach activities and exploring the islands.

4. Is English widely spoken in São Tomé and Príncipe?

While Portuguese is the official language, English is spoken in tourist areas and by some locals. However, learning a few basic Portuguese phrases will go a long way in making your trip more enjoyable and immersive.


There you have it, folks – 73 essential Portuguese phrases to help you navigate the stunning islands of São Tomé and Príncipe like a pro! Remember, the key to a great trip is to embrace the local culture, be respectful, and have fun. So pack your sunscreen, brush up on your Portuguese, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime! 🌞🌴🇸🇹

Até logo, amigos! 👋

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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