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72 Basic German Phrases for Your Next Trip to Luxembourg 🇱🇺

Learn 72 essential German phrases for your trip to Luxembourg! Make your travel experience smooth with key greetings, dining, and shopping phrases.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
72 Basic German Phrases for Your Next Trip to Luxembourg 🇱🇺

Moien! 👋 That's how you say "hello" in Luxembourgish, the unique language spoken in the charming country of Luxembourg. While German is one of the three official languages in Luxembourg, along with French and Luxembourgish, knowing some key German phrases will definitely come in handy during your visit. So, let's dive into this ultimate guide to mastering 72 basic German phrases that will make your Luxembourg adventure unforgettable! 🎉

Greetings and Pleasantries 🙌

  1. Hallo! (HAH-loh) - Hello!
  2. Guten Morgen! (GOO-tehn MOR-gehn) - Good morning!
  3. Guten Tag! (GOO-tehn TAHG) - Good day!
  4. Guten Abend! (GOO-tehn AH-behnt) - Good evening!
  5. Auf Wiedersehen! (OWF VEE-dehr-zey-ehn) - Goodbye!
  6. Tschüss! (CHOOS) - Bye!
  7. Bis später! (BISS SHPAY-tehr) - See you later!
  8. Danke! (DAHN-keh) - Thank you!
  9. Bitte! (BIH-teh) - Please/You're welcome!
  10. Entschuldigung! (ehnt-SHOOL-dee-goong) - Excuse me/Sorry!
  11. Ja! (YAH) - Yes!
  12. Nein! (NINE) - No!

Introducing Yourself 🤝

  1. Ich heiße... (eesh HI-seh) - My name is...
  2. Wie heißen Sie? (vee HI-sehn zee) - What's your name? (formal)
  3. Woher kommst du? (VOH-her KOMST doo) - Where are you from? (informal)
  4. Ich komme aus... (eesh KOM-meh OWS) - I'm from...
  5. Freut mich! (FROYT meesh) - Nice to meet you!
  6. Wie geht's? (vee GAYTS) - How are you?
  7. Mir geht's gut! (meer GAYTS goot) - I'm doing well!
  8. Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. (eesh SHPREH-cheh ine BIS-shehn DOYTSH) - I speak a little German.

Dining Out 🍽️

When it comes to food, Luxembourg has a lot to offer! From hearty traditional dishes like Judd mat Gaardebounen (smoked pork collar with broad beans) to sweet treats like Quetschentaart (plum tart), you'll want to savor every bite. Here are some useful German phrases for dining out:

  1. Haben Sie einen Tisch für zwei? (HAH-behn zee I-nehn TISH fuer TSVI) - Do you have a table for two?
  2. Ich hätte gerne die Speisekarte, bitte. (eesh HEH-teh GEHR-neh dee SHPI-zeh-kar-teh, BIH-teh) - I'd like the menu, please.
  3. Was empfehlen Sie? (vahs ehmp-FEH-lehn zee) - What do you recommend?
  4. Ich bin Vegetarier. (eesh bin veh-geh-TAH-ree-ehr) - I'm a vegetarian.
  5. Ich hätte gerne ein Bier, bitte. (eesh HEH-teh GEHR-neh ine BEER, BIH-teh) - I'd like a beer, please.
  6. Die Rechnung, bitte! (dee REHCH-noong, BIH-teh) - The check, please!
  7. Das Essen war köstlich! (dahs EH-sehn vahr KUHST-lish) - The food was delicious!

Getting Around 🚶‍♀️

Luxembourg City, the country's capital, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its stunning architecture and picturesque streets. To navigate your way through the city and beyond, keep these German phrases handy:

  1. Wo ist...? (voh ist) - Where is...?
  2. der Bahnhof (dehr BAHN-hohf) - the train station
  3. die Bushaltestelle (dee BOOS-hahl-teh-shteh-leh) - the bus stop
  4. das Hotel (dahs hoh-TEHL) - the hotel
  5. die Altstadt (dee AHLT-shtaht) - the old town
  6. Können Sie mir den Weg zeigen? (KUH-nehn zee meer dehn VEHG TSI-gehn) - Can you show me the way?
  7. Wie weit ist es zu Fuß? (vee VITE ist ehs tsoo FOOS) - How far is it by foot?
  8. Ich möchte ein Taxi rufen. (eesh MUHCH-teh ine TAHK-see ROO-fehn) - I'd like to call a taxi.

Shopping 🛍️

From trendy boutiques to traditional markets, Luxembourg has plenty of shopping options. Use these German phrases to make your shopping experience a breeze:

  1. Gibt es hier in der Nähe einen Supermarkt? (gipt ehs heer in dehr NEH-eh I-nehn ZOO-pehr-markt) - Is there a supermarket nearby?
  2. Haben Sie das in Größe...? (HAH-behn zee dahs in GRUH-seh) - Do you have this in size...?
  3. Wie viel kostet das? (vee FEEL KOS-teht dahs) - How much does this cost?
  4. Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen? (kahn eesh mit kreh-DEET-kar-teh beh-TSAH-lehn) - Can I pay with a credit card?
  5. Ich schaue mich nur um. (eesh SHAU-eh meesh noor oom) - I'm just browsing.

Emergencies and Health 🚨

Safety first! While Luxembourg is generally a safe country, it's always good to know some key German phrases for emergencies and health-related situations:

  1. Ich brauche Hilfe! (eesh BRAU-cheh HEEL-feh) - I need help!
  2. Rufen Sie einen Krankenwagen! (ROO-fehn zee I-nehn KRAHN-kehn-vah-gehn) - Call an ambulance!
  3. Wo ist das nächste Krankenhaus? (voh ist dahs NEH-cheh-steh KRAHN-kehn-house) - Where is the nearest hospital?
  4. Ich habe Schmerzen. (eesh HAH-beh SHMEHR-tsehn) - I'm in pain.
  5. Ich habe eine Allergie gegen... (eesh HAH-beh I-neh ah-lehr-GEE geh-gehn) - I'm allergic to...

Customs and Culture 🎭

Luxembourg is a melting pot of cultures, with influences from Germany, France, and Belgium. To better understand and appreciate the local customs and culture, keep these German phrases in mind:

  1. Wie feiert man hier...? (vee FI-ehrt mahn heer) - How do people celebrate... here?
  2. Ostern (OH-stehrn) - Easter
  3. Weihnachten (VIE-nahch-tehn) - Christmas
  4. Fasching/Karneval (FAH-sheeng/kar-neh-VAHL) - Carnival
  5. Was sind die Öffnungszeiten von...? (vahs zint dee UHF-noongs-tsi-tehn fon) - What are the opening hours of...?
  6. Museen (moo-ZEH-ehn) - museums
  7. Geschäften (geh-SHEHF-tehn) - shops
  8. Restaurants (reh-stoh-RAHNTS) - restaurants

Slang and Colloquialisms 😎

Want to sound like a local? Impress your Luxembourgish friends with these German slang words and colloquialisms:

  1. Moin! (MO-in) - Hi! (informal, used in northern Germany)
  2. Na? (NAH) - How's it going?
  3. Alles klar! (AH-lehs KLAHR) - All good!
  4. Geil! (GILE) - Cool!/Awesome!
  5. Mahlzeit! (MAHL-tsiet) - Enjoy your meal!
  6. Prost! (PROHST) - Cheers!
  7. Jein. (YINE) - Yes and no.

Flirting and Romance 😘

Feeling a spark with a special someone? Use these German phrases to express your interest and affection:

  1. Du hast schöne Augen. (doo hahst SHUH-neh AU-gehn) - You have beautiful eyes.
  2. Kann ich dich auf einen Kaffee einladen? (kahn eesh deesh OWF I-nehn KAH-feh ine-LAH-dehn) - Can I invite you for a coffee?
  3. Ich mag dich. (eesh MAHG deesh) - I like you.
  4. Willst du mit mir ausgehen? (VEELST doo mit meer OWS-geh-ehn) - Do you want to go out with me?
  5. Du siehst heute toll aus! (doo ZEEST HOY-teh tohl OWS) - You look great today!

Things to Watch Out For ⚠️

While Luxembourg is a welcoming country, there are a few things to keep in mind to avoid any cultural faux pas:

  1. Don't assume everyone speaks German. Many Luxembourgers prefer to speak French or Luxembourgish.
  2. Be respectful of local customs and traditions, especially when visiting religious sites.
  3. Tipping is not obligatory but rounding up the bill is appreciated in restaurants and taxis.
  4. Don't litter! Luxembourg is known for its cleanliness, so do your part to keep it that way.

Insults (Use with Caution!) 😈

While we don't recommend using these phrases, it's good to know them in case someone directs them at you:

  1. Dummkopf! (DOOM-kopf) - Idiot!
  2. Halt die Klappe! (HAHLT dee KLAH-peh) - Shut up!
  3. Du nervst! (doo NEHRVST) - You're annoying!


Q: Do I really need to know German to visit Luxembourg?A: While knowing some German is helpful, most Luxembourgers also speak French and English. However, learning a few key German phrases will definitely impress the locals!

Q: What's the best time of year to visit Luxembourg?A: Luxembourg is beautiful year-round, but the best times to visit are spring (April-May) and fall (September-October) when the weather is mild and there are fewer tourists.

Q: What's a must-try dish in Luxembourg?A: Gromperekichelcher, which are crispy potato pancakes served with applesauce. Trust us, they're addictive!

Now that you've got these 72 basic German phrases under your belt, you're ready to embark on your Luxembourg adventure! Remember, don't be afraid to try out your new language skills – the locals will appreciate your effort. Äddi and have a fantastic trip! 🎉

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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