Is Monte Carlo Safe? Its Crime Rate is Zero Since 2003

Discover how this glittering Mediterranean gem balances luxury and security, offering a surprisingly serene escape for the discerning globetrotter.

West Parker
West Parker
July 18, 2024

When my wife Sarah and I told our friends we were heading to Monte Carlo, their reactions were... interesting. Half of them pictured us sipping martinis with James Bond types, while the others warned us to watch our wallets around all those high-rollers. But is Monte Carlo really a den of glamorous intrigue and potential pickpockets? Or is it just another misunderstood tourist destination?

As a couple of food-loving, safety-conscious remote workers from Florida, we decided to put Monte Carlo to the test. We spent a week exploring every nook and cranny of this tiny principality, from the famed Casino Square to the winding streets of Monaco-Ville. Our mission? To uncover the truth about Monte Carlo's safety and serve it up to you, garnished with a side of personal experiences and a sprinkle of humor.

So, buckle up (safety first, after all) as we take you on a journey through Monte Carlo's sparkling streets and share our findings on whether this playground of the rich and famous is truly as safe as it claims to be.

3 Safety Factors to Consider

Before we packed our bags (and our unrealistic dreams of winning big at the casino), we did some serious homework on Monte Carlo's safety situation. Here's what we discovered:

01 - State Department Travel Advisory

First stop on our safety research journey: the U.S. State Department website. Now, I'll admit, I half expected to see a warning like "Caution: May cause severe jealousy in friends and family." But nope, it was all business.

Monaco, including Monte Carlo, is currently rated at Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions. That's the lowest risk level, folks. To put it in perspective, it's the same level as Canada. So unless you're terrified of maple syrup or excessive politeness, you should be just fine in Monte Carlo.

We also checked the surrounding areas. France, which borders Monaco on three sides, is also at Level 1. Italy, a short train ride away, is Level 2 due to terrorism concerns. But Monaco? It's sitting pretty at the top of the safety charts.

State Department Check: PASS

02 - Latest News

Next, we dove into recent news about Monte Carlo. Would we find stories of daring heists or scandals worthy of a Netflix series? Not quite.

The most exciting news we found was about economic developments. Apparently, Monaco's crime rate has remained at a steady 0.00 per 100,000 population since 2003. That's right, zero point zero zero. I'm pretty sure my kitchen junk drawer has a higher crime rate than that.

We did find one bit of "crime" news: there were 18 reported telephone and email scams in 2023, down from 27 the previous year. So if anything, Monte Carlo is getting even safer. Maybe they're teaching the scammers to play baccarat instead?

Latest News Check: PASS

03 - Community Forums

Finally, we turned to the ultimate source of travel wisdom: online forums. You know, where people debate the merits of packing three pairs of shoes versus four for a weekend trip.

On TripAdvisor and Reddit, the consensus was clear: Monte Carlo is extremely safe. Most travelers reported feeling completely at ease, even late at night. The biggest dangers mentioned were sunburn and the risk of maxing out your credit card at the designer shops.

One forum user wrote, "I felt safer walking around Monte Carlo at 2 AM than I do in my own neighborhood at 2 PM." High praise indeed, although it made me wonder a bit about where this person lives.

Community Forum Check: PASS

With all three of our safety checks giving Monte Carlo a thumbs up, we felt confident packing our bags. Little did we know that our biggest danger would be the temptation of French pastries at every corner. But more on that later.

First Hand Experience in Monte Carlo

After our thorough research, Sarah and I were ready to put Monte Carlo to the test. Here's our neighborhood-by-neighborhood breakdown of this tiny but mighty principality.

Monte Carlo Casino Area

Visitors entering the famous Casino de Monte-Carlo at night, illustrating the safe and glamorous atmosphere
Even at midnight, the area around the casino felt incredibly safe. We saw families with children strolling by without a care in the world.

Ah, the heart of Monte Carlo. As we approached the famous casino, I half expected to see men in tuxedos and women dripping in diamonds. Instead, we found a mix of tourists in sundresses and shorts, with the occasional fashionista thrown in for good measure.

The area around the casino is impeccably maintained and well-lit. We felt completely safe strolling around, both day and night. The security presence is noticeable but not overwhelming. It's like they've found the perfect balance between "We've got this" and "Don't even think about it."

We enjoyed:

  • People-watching at Café de Paris
  • Window shopping at the high-end boutiques
  • Trying our luck (and losing gracefully) at the casino

One evening, I accidentally dropped my wallet outside the casino. Before I even realized it was gone, a kind local had picked it up and was running after me to return it. Talk about honest!

Is Monte Carlo Casino Area Safe? YES

Port Hercule

Luxury yachts docked in Port Hercule with people walking safely along the promenade, showcasing Monte Carlo's secure harbor area
We spent hours wandering along this promenade, marveling at the yachts. The constant police presence made us feel completely at ease.

Next, we wandered down to Port Hercule, where the yachts are so big they make the Titanic look like a bathtub toy. The port area is a strange mix of luxury and practicality, with multi-million dollar boats bobbing next to local fishing vessels.

During the day, the port was bustling with activity. Tourists snapping photos, locals going about their business, and crew members polishing already gleaming boats. At night, the area transforms into a romantic promenade, with the lights of the yachts reflecting off the water.

We never felt unsafe, but we did notice increased police presence during busier times, especially in the evenings when the restaurants and bars along the port came to life.

Our Port Hercule highlights:

  • Enjoying a sunset drink at Stars'N'Bars
  • Watching the boats come and go
  • Daydreaming about which yacht we'd buy if we won the lottery

Is Port Hercule Safe? YES

Larvotto Beach

Tourists enjoying Larvotto Beach with a visible lifeguard tower, highlighting the safe and monitored beach environment
Larvotto Beach was a peaceful retreat. The attentive lifeguards and clean surroundings made it feel like our own private oasis.

Who says you can't combine a city break with a beach vacation? Larvotto Beach is Monte Carlo's slice of Mediterranean paradise, and let me tell you, it's as safe as it is beautiful.

The beach is well-maintained and patrolled regularly. During swimming season, there are lifeguards on duty, adding an extra layer of security. We saw families with young children, groups of friends, and couples all enjoying the sun and sea without a care in the world.

One thing to note: the beach is pebbly, not sandy. Sarah joked that it's nature's way of making sure you don't take any of Monte Carlo home with you in your shoes.

Our Larvotto Beach experiences:

  • Renting sun loungers for a day of relaxation
  • Enjoying a delicious lunch at Note Bleue beach club
  • Taking a dip in the crystal-clear Mediterranean waters

A word of advice: keep an eye on your belongings when you go for a swim. Not because of theft (remember those crime stats?), but because those sneaky seagulls have expensive tastes!

Is Larvotto Beach Safe? YES

La Condamine (Market Area)

Locals and tourists shopping at the vibrant La Condamine Market, showcasing Monte Carlo's safe and lively local scene
We felt like locals shopping at La Condamine Market. The friendly vendors and relaxed atmosphere were a highlight of our trip.

For a taste of local life, we headed to La Condamine, home to Monte Carlo's vibrant market. This area feels more down-to-earth than the glitzy casino district, but it's every bit as safe.

The market itself is a feast for the senses, with colorful produce, fragrant flowers, and the chatter of locals doing their daily shopping. We felt perfectly secure wandering through the stalls, though it's always wise to keep an eye on your belongings in any crowded area.

In the evenings, the area around the market transforms into a lively dining scene. We enjoyed several meals here, walking back to our hotel late at night without any concerns.

La Condamine highlights:

  • Sampling local cheeses and charcuterie at the market
  • Enjoying a coffee at one of the many sidewalk cafes
  • Dinner at Restaurant U Cavagnëtu for some traditional Monégasque cuisine

Is La Condamine Safe? YES

Monaco-Ville (The Rock)

Tourists exploring the narrow, historic streets of Monaco-Ville, demonstrating the safe and charming old town area
Walking through Monaco-Ville felt like stepping back in time. Even in the quietest alleys, we never felt unsafe.

Our final stop was Monaco-Ville, also known as "The Rock." This old town area, perched on a hill overlooking the sea, is like stepping back in time.

The narrow streets and historic buildings of Monaco-Ville are charming and incredibly safe. We explored during both day and night and always felt secure. The area around the Prince's Palace is particularly well-guarded, but in a discreet way that doesn't interfere with the historic atmosphere.

One safety tip: some of the streets can be steep and slippery, especially if it's been raining. Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes to avoid any tumbles.

Our Monaco-Ville adventures:

  • Watching the changing of the guard at the Prince's Palace
  • Visiting the Oceanographic Museum
  • Enjoying the panoramic views from the Palace Square

Is Monaco-Ville Safe? YES

Monte Carlo by Foot and Bus

Tourists safely boarding a clean Monte Carlo public bus, demonstrating the city's efficient and secure public transportation
Monte Carlo's public buses were impressively clean and punctual. We felt completely at ease using them, even late at night.

One of the best things about Monte Carlo is its size - or lack thereof. At less than one square mile, it's entirely walkable. We hoofed it most places, enjoying the exercise to balance out all the French pastries we were consuming.

Walking in Monte Carlo is a pleasure. The streets are clean, well-lit, and well-maintained. Even late at night, we felt completely at ease strolling back to our hotel. The only time we felt slightly uncomfortable was when we took a wrong turn and ended up on a very steep street. But that was more about our out-of-shape legs than any safety concern!

When we didn't feel like walking (usually after a big meal), we used the public bus system. Monte Carlo's buses are clean, efficient, and felt very safe. Plus, they're a great way to see the city if you're tired of walking uphill.

We never felt the need to use taxis or ride-sharing services, but we saw plenty of official Monaco taxis around. They looked clean and professional, and we didn't hear any horror stories from other tourists about taxi scams.

Recommended Itinerary

Based on our experiences, here's our suggestion for a safe and enjoyable day in Monte Carlo:

  1. Start your day with breakfast at the Condamine Market. It's a great way to see local life and grab some fresh pastries.
  2. Take the bus or walk up to Monaco-Ville. Watch the changing of the guard at 11:55 am, then explore the old town.
  3. Have lunch at one of the restaurants in Monaco-Ville with a view of the sea.
  4. In the afternoon, head to Larvotto Beach for some sun and relaxation.
  5. As evening approaches, clean up and head to the Casino area. Even if you don't gamble, it's worth seeing the grand Casino de Monte-Carlo all lit up at night.
  6. End your night with dinner at one of the restaurants around Port Hercule, enjoying the view of the illuminated yachts.

Remember, Monaco is incredibly safe at all hours, so don't be afraid to stay out and enjoy the evening atmosphere!

Final Thoughts

So, is Monte Carlo safe? In a word: absolutely.

In our week there, the biggest danger we encountered was the risk of getting spoiled by all the luxury and never wanting to leave. Monte Carlo combines the safety of a small town with the amenities of a world-class city, wrapped up in a package of Mediterranean beauty.

Here are our top safety tips for visitors:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded tourist areas.
  • Keep your belongings close, particularly when at the beach or in busy spots like the market.
  • Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes. Some of those hillside streets can be steep!
  • If you're gambling, set a budget and stick to it. The real danger in Monte Carlo is to your wallet, not your personal safety.
  • Stay hydrated and use sun protection. The Mediterranean sun can be strong.
  • Learn a few basic French phrases. While many people speak English, locals always appreciate the effort.

Would we recommend visiting Monte Carlo? Without a doubt. It's a unique destination that offers a fascinating blend of history, luxury, and natural beauty, all wrapped up in a blanket of exceptional safety.

Just one word of warning: after experiencing the cleanliness, safety, and efficiency of Monte Carlo, you might find yourself a bit disappointed when you return home. But hey, that's just a good excuse to start planning your next trip, right?

About Us

We're West and Sarah Parker, a pair of 40-something remote workers with a passion for food, safety, and finding the perfect balance between adventure and comfort in our travels. West's background in the hotel industry (thanks, Cornell!) and our combined decades of globetrotting have given us a unique perspective on what makes a destination truly special.

Our goal is simple: we want to help everyone travel better and safer. We believe that with the right information and a dash of humor, any destination can be both exciting and secure. Plus, we figure if we can navigate the mean streets of Monte Carlo (spoiler alert: they're not mean at all), we can handle just about anything!

By reading our articles, you're getting the inside scoop on destinations around the world, filtered through our lens of food enthusiasm and safety consciousness. It's a win-win: you get to learn from our experiences (and occasional mistakes), and we get to keep exploring the world one safe, delicious bite at a time.

So come along for the ride - we promise it'll be safe, informative, and most importantly, fun!

Safety Spotlight: Monte Carlo's Unique Approach

One thing that struck us during our stay was Monte Carlo's unique approach to safety. It's not just about having a low crime rate; it's about creating an environment where safety is woven into the fabric of daily life.

World-Class Police Force

Monte Carlo boasts the world's largest police force per capita and per area. With 606 officers for just 38,000 residents, it's like having a personal security detail for every 63 people. During our week there, we saw police officers regularly, but their presence never felt oppressive. Instead, it was reassuring, like seeing lifeguards at a beach.

High-Tech Security

The city-state has invested heavily in modern security technology. There's an extensive network of 1,087 security cameras throughout Monaco. That's roughly one camera for every 35 residents! While this level of surveillance might feel Orwellian in some places, in Monte Carlo it just adds to the sense of security.

Clean and Well-Maintained Public Spaces

One often overlooked aspect of safety is the cleanliness and maintenance of public areas. Monte Carlo excels in this regard. The streets are immaculate, the parks are well-tended, and even the public restrooms are surprisingly clean. This attention to detail creates an atmosphere of order and care that naturally deters crime.

A Culture of Safety

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Monte Carlo's safety is how ingrained it is in the local culture. From our interactions with locals, it became clear that there's a collective pride in maintaining the principality's reputation for safety and security.

For instance, when we accidentally left our camera on a bench in the Japanese Gardens, a local family watched over it until we realized our mistake and came back. They refused any reward, saying it was just the "Monaco way."

Comparing Monte Carlo to Other Cities

To put Monte Carlo's safety into perspective, let's compare it to some other popular tourist destinations:

  1. Paris: While generally safe for tourists, Paris has higher rates of petty crime, especially pickpocketing. We've visited Paris several times and always had to be more vigilant there than in Monte Carlo.
  2. Rome: Similar to Paris, Rome is known for pickpockets and scams targeting tourists. In Monte Carlo, we never once worried about our belongings.
  3. Las Vegas: As another city known for casinos and luxury, Las Vegas makes an interesting comparison. However, Las Vegas has significantly higher crime rates and areas that are best avoided at night - a stark contrast to Monte Carlo where we felt safe everywhere, at all hours.
  4. Singapore: Perhaps the closest comparison in terms of safety, cleanliness, and low crime rates. However, Monte Carlo achieves this without the strict laws and penalties that Singapore is known for.
  5. Dubai: Another luxury destination with low crime rates, but Monte Carlo feels more accessible and less ostentatious.

In our experience, Monte Carlo stands out as one of the safest cities we've ever visited. It combines the security of a small town with the amenities and excitement of a world-class city.

Safety for Different Types of Travelers

Monte Carlo's safety extends to all types of travelers, but here are some specific considerations:

Solo Travelers

For solo travelers, especially women, Monte Carlo is a dream destination. The low crime rate, excellent public transportation, and general atmosphere of security make it ideal for exploring alone. Sarah spent a day solo while I was working, and she felt completely at ease wandering the city.


Families will appreciate the cleanliness, safety, and abundance of family-friendly activities. The Oceanographic Museum is a hit with kids, and Larvotto Beach is perfect for a family day out.

LGBTQ+ Travelers

Monte Carlo is generally welcoming to LGBTQ+ travelers. While it's not known for a vibrant LGBTQ+ scene, we observed same-sex couples walking hand-in-hand without any issues.

Travelers with Disabilities

The city has made efforts to improve accessibility, but the hilly terrain can be challenging. Many major attractions and hotels are accessible, but it's worth checking in advance.

Seasonal Safety Considerations

Monte Carlo's safety remains consistent year-round, but there are a few seasonal factors to consider:

Summer (June - August)

This is peak tourist season. While crime doesn't significantly increase, the crowds can make it easier for pickpockets to operate, especially around the casino and beach areas. The heat can also be intense, so stay hydrated and use sun protection.

Winter (December - February)

Monte Carlo is quieter in winter, but still very safe. Be cautious of slippery streets if it rains, and bring warm clothes as evenings can be chilly.

Grand Prix Season (May)

The Monaco Grand Prix brings a huge influx of visitors. While security is heightened during this time, it's wise to be extra vigilant in crowded areas and book accommodations well in advance.

Health and Emergency Services

Despite its small size, Monte Carlo has excellent health and emergency services:

  • Emergency Number: 112 (for all emergencies)
  • Princess Grace Hospital: +377 97 98 99 00, Address: 1 Avenue Pasteur, 98000 Monaco

The hospital is modern and well-equipped, with English-speaking staff. We didn't need to use it, thankfully, but it's reassuring to know it's there.

Cultural Awareness for Safety

While Monte Carlo is very safe, being culturally aware can enhance your experience and prevent any unintended faux pas:

  1. Dress Code: Many high-end restaurants and the casino have dress codes. Smart casual is a safe bet for most places.
  2. Photography: Be respectful when taking photos, especially around the casino where some restrictions apply.
  3. Respect for Privacy: Monte Carlo is home to many high-profile individuals. Respect their privacy and avoid intrusive behavior.
  4. Casino Etiquette: If you visit the casino, familiarize yourself with basic etiquette and game rules to avoid any misunderstandings.

A Note on Luxury and Safety

One unique aspect of Monte Carlo's safety is how it intersects with luxury. The high-end boutiques, exotic cars, and luxury yachts might make you think it's a target for crime. However, the opposite is true. The concentration of wealth has led to exceptional security measures that benefit all visitors, regardless of their budget.

For example, we saw a Ferrari parked casually on the street, with no special security around it. That level of comfort with valuable assets speaks volumes about the safety of the area.

Final Reflection: The Price of Safety?

As we prepared to leave Monte Carlo, we found ourselves reflecting on the unique safety situation we'd experienced. There's no denying that Monte Carlo is exceptionally safe, perhaps one of the safest places we've ever visited. But it's worth considering what contributes to this safety.

The extensive surveillance, large police force, and general atmosphere of wealth all play a role in keeping Monte Carlo secure. For us, and many travelers, this results in a wonderfully safe vacation experience. However, it's also created a somewhat exclusive environment that might not reflect the "real world" experiences some travelers seek.

Is this a problem? That's for each traveler to decide. For us, Monte Carlo offered a fascinating glimpse into what's possible when a tiny principality dedicates itself to safety and luxury in equal measure. It's a place where you can truly relax and enjoy your surroundings without constantly looking over your shoulder.

Would we recommend Monte Carlo as a safe travel destination? Absolutely. Just be prepared for an experience that might spoil you for other cities!

Remember, wherever you travel, staying informed, aware of your surroundings, and using common sense are your best safety tools. Monte Carlo might make it easy to feel safe, but it's always wise to maintain good travel habits.

So go ahead, take that stroll along the harbor at midnight, or wander through the old town at dawn. In Monte Carlo, your biggest risk might just be falling in love with the place and never wanting to leave!

Additional Resources

For those looking to dive deeper into Monte Carlo's safety and general information, here are some valuable resources:

  1. Visit Monaco Official Website
  2. Monaco Police Department
  3. U.S. Embassy in France (covers Monaco)
  4. UK Government Foreign Travel Advice for Monaco
  5. Canadian Government Travel Advice for Monaco
  6. Monaco Government Portal
  7. World Health Organization - Monaco
  8. Monaco Red Cross
  9. Monaco Cyber Security Agency

Remember, while these resources are helpful, nothing beats on-the-ground experience. Every traveler's experience is unique, so while we found Monte Carlo exceptionally safe, always trust your instincts and stay aware of your surroundings.

Happy and safe travels, everyone! May your journeys be as secure and enjoyable as our time in magnificent Monte Carlo.

West Parker
West Parker
Article updated:
August 20, 2024 6:07 PM

West Parker, a Cornell University School of Hotel Administration graduate, has spent two decades as the secret weapon of the jet-set elite, crafting bespoke adventures that redefine luxury travel. Now a resident writer for Town & Tourist, this 45-year-old "Architect of Extraordinary Journeys" combines razor-sharp insights with unparalleled industry connections to deliver experiences that even the most discerning globetrotters can't help but rave about. West's expertise spans from exclusive real estate to fine dining, making him the go-to strategist for those who demand nothing but the extraordinary in their travels.

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