Is Milwaukee Safe? Surprising Drop in Crime Makes It Welcoming

Discover how this Midwest metropolis balances urban vibrancy with visitor security, offering surprising insights for the savvy explorer.

West Parker
West Parker
July 2, 2024

"Is Milwaukee safe? Well, that depends on who you ask. According to our parents, the answer is a resounding no because they're convinced we'll end up in the middle of a crime scene from an old episode of Laverne & Shirley. Ask the TripAdvisor or Reddit community, and you'll usually get the same response: if you're street smart, it's just as safe as walking around in your U.S. hometown. So, which is it? Is Milwaukee safe or not?

My wife Sarah and I spent a week in Milwaukee as first-time visitors, and boy, did we have some preconceptions to challenge! As a middle-aged couple (though I prefer to think of myself as "perpetually 29"), we've visited our fair share of cities across 6 continents and 32 countries. But Milwaukee? It was a wildcard.

In this article, I'm going to share two crucial things: 1) how we determined if Milwaukee felt safe for us, and 2) our honest travel experience during our weeklong stay. Buckle up, because this beer-loving, cheese-curd-munching adventure might just surprise you!

3 Safety Factors to Consider

Before we dive into our personal experiences, let's take a look at the three key factors we considered when evaluating Milwaukee's safety. Think of it as our pre-trip homework – except way more fun than algebra!

01 - State Department Travel Advisory

First things first, we always check the U.S. Department of State's travel advisory ratings. They range from 1-4, with 1 being "Exercise normal precautions" (white) and 4 being "Do not travel" (red). We typically stick to destinations labeled 1 or 2.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Different ratings can exist within the same country, or even the same state! For Wisconsin, most areas are rated Level 1, including Milwaukee. However, some regions might have different ratings, so it's always good to check the official website for the most up-to-date information.

U.S. Department of State Check for Milwaukee: PASS

02 - Latest News

Next up, we delved into the recent news about Milwaukee. We were pleasantly surprised to find some positive trends. According to recent reports, violent crime in Milwaukee decreased by 9% from 2022 to 2023. Even more impressive, homicides dropped by 21% in the same period.

But it's not all rainbows and cheese curds. Milwaukee still faces challenges, particularly with issues like reckless driving. The city is taking steps to address these concerns, including implementing new traffic calming measures.

We couldn't find any recent news of major crimes targeting tourists in popular areas, which was reassuring. However, as with any city, it's important to stay informed about current events and potential safety concerns.

Current News Check: PASS (with a side of caution)

03 - Community Forums

Lastly, we turned to the wisdom of the crowds. We scoured TripAdvisor forums and Reddit threads to get a sense of recent traveler experiences in Milwaukee.

The consensus? Most visitors found Milwaukee to be generally safe, especially in tourist areas. One TripAdvisor user shared, "Visited Milwaukee for a week and never felt unsafe. The Riverwalk area was beautiful and well-patrolled at night."

On Reddit, we found similar sentiments. A local resident posted, "I live in Milwaukee and feel quite safe overall. Downtown is particularly secure, with very few incidents reported."

Of course, as with any online forum, it's important to take individual experiences with a grain of salt (or a sprinkle of Parmesan, since we're talking Milwaukee). But the overall tone was positive and reassuring.

Community Forum Check: PASS

First Hand Experience in Milwaukee

Armed with our research, Sarah and I set out to explore Milwaukee. Over the course of a week, we wandered through various neighborhoods, sampled local cuisine (hello, cheese curds!), and got a feel for the city's safety vibe. Here's our neighborhood-by-neighborhood breakdown:


Night scene of Milwaukee Riverwalk with people strolling, well-lit path and buildings reflecting on the river
The Riverwalk at night was a highlight of our trip. Well-lit and bustling with people, it felt safe and vibrant even after dark.

Downtown Milwaukee is the heart of the city, bustling with activity and attractions. We spent our first day exploring this area, and I have to say, we were impressed.

We started our day at the Milwaukee Public Market, a foodie paradise that had Sarah practically dancing with joy. The market was clean, well-organized, and felt completely safe. We sampled some amazing local cheeses and sausages, and I may have indulged in a cream puff or two. Don't judge – I was on vacation!

Next, we strolled along the Milwaukee Riverwalk. This scenic walkway feels like a hidden gem in the middle of the city. It was well-lit and had a constant flow of people, even as evening approached. We felt perfectly comfortable walking here after dark, though as always, we remained aware of our surroundings.

We capped off our day with dinner at Mader's Restaurant, a Milwaukee institution serving German cuisine since 1902. The walk to and from the restaurant felt safe, with plenty of other diners and locals around.

Is Downtown Safe? YES, with standard urban precautions

Historic Third Ward

Daytime view of a lively street in Milwaukee's Historic Third Ward, showcasing local shops and outdoor dining
The Historic Third Ward charmed us with its mix of trendy shops and cozy cafes. We felt perfectly safe exploring this area during the day.

The Historic Third Ward quickly became one of our favorite neighborhoods in Milwaukee. This former warehouse district has been transformed into a trendy area full of art galleries, boutiques, and restaurants.

We spent a sunny afternoon exploring the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, which offers free admission to its galleries. The area around the institute felt safe and welcoming, with plenty of students and art enthusiasts milling about.

For dinner, we tried Bavette La Boucherie, a butcher shop turned restaurant. The walk there in the early evening felt perfectly safe, with well-lit streets and a lively atmosphere.

One evening, we attended a show at the Broadway Theatre Center. The theater district had a good security presence, and we felt comfortable walking back to our hotel afterward.

Is the Historic Third Ward Safe? YES, even at night

East Side

Scenic view of Lake Park in Milwaukee's East Side with families enjoying picnics and outdoor activities
Lake Park on the East Side was a pleasant surprise. Designed by the same mind behind Central Park, it felt safe and welcoming for all ages.

Milwaukee's East Side, home to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, has a youthful, energetic vibe. We spent a day exploring this neighborhood and found it to be generally safe and welcoming.

We started our day with breakfast at Comet Cafe, a quirky spot known for its bacon-wrapped meatloaf. The cafe was bustling with students and locals, creating a lively but comfortable atmosphere.

Afterward, we took a stroll through Lake Park, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (the same guy who designed Central Park in NYC). The park felt safe and well-maintained, with joggers, families, and dog-walkers enjoying the green space.

In the evening, we grabbed drinks at Von Trier, a German-inspired tavern. The walk there felt safe, with plenty of people around and well-lit streets.

Is the East Side Safe? YES, with a vibrant student atmosphere

Bay View

Street scene in Milwaukee's Bay View neighborhood showing local businesses and patrons enjoying outdoor seating
Bay View's laid-back vibe and friendly locals made us feel right at home. The area felt safe even as we explored its vibrant nightlife.

Bay View, located south of downtown, is known for its hipster vibe and great restaurants. We dedicated a full day to exploring this neighborhood and were charmed by its laid-back atmosphere.

We started our day with a visit to the Basilica of St. Josaphat, an impressive architectural landmark. The area around the basilica felt safe and peaceful, with several families and tourists around.

For lunch, we hit up Odd Duck, a popular spot known for its small plates. The restaurant was busy even at lunchtime, and the surrounding area felt lively and safe.

In the evening, we checked out Burnhearts, a local favorite for craft beers. The walk there and back felt safe, with plenty of other people out enjoying the evening.

Is Bay View Safe? YES, with a cool, relaxed vibe

Walker's Point

Vibrant street scene in Milwaukee's Walker's Point featuring LGBTQ+ friendly businesses and colorful murals
Walker's Point impressed us with its inclusive atmosphere and vibrant art scene. We felt completely comfortable exploring this diverse neighborhood.

Walker's Point, known for its LGBTQ+ friendly atmosphere, was next on our list. We found this neighborhood to be vibrant, diverse, and generally safe.

We started our exploration with a tour of the Clock Shadow Creamery, where we learned about cheese-making (and sampled plenty of delicious cheeses). The area around the creamery felt industrial but safe, with several other tour groups around.

For dinner, we tried La Merenda, a tapas restaurant with a fantastic outdoor patio. The walk there in the early evening felt comfortable, with many other diners and locals out and about.

Later, we checked out This Is It!, one of the oldest gay bars in Milwaukee. The area had a lively nightlife scene, and while we remained aware of our surroundings (as we would in any city at night), we felt safe walking back to our ride.

Is Walker's Point Safe? YES, with a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere

Menomonee Valley

Exterior view of the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee's Menomonee Valley with visitors and motorcycles
The Harley-Davidson Museum was a must-visit. The area felt safe with plenty of security, perfect for motorcycle enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

The Menomonee Valley, once an industrial area, is now home to several attractions. We spent half a day exploring this neighborhood and found it to be an interesting mix of old and new.

Our first stop was the Harley-Davidson Museum. The museum area felt safe and well-maintained, with plenty of security and other visitors around.

Afterward, we visited Potawatomi Hotel & Casino. The casino area had strong security presence, and we felt safe walking around both inside and outside the complex.

For dinner, we tried Sobelman's Pub & Grill, famous for their Bloody Marys topped with entire cheeseburgers (yes, you read that right!). The pub was in a more isolated area, so we opted to take a ride there and back rather than walk.

Is Menomonee Valley Safe? YES, but use caution in less populated areas

Milwaukee by Foot

Interior of Milwaukee Public Market showing diverse food vendors and customers exploring local cuisine
The Milwaukee Public Market was a foodie paradise! Clean, well-organized, and full of friendly faces, it's a safe and delicious way to experience local flavors.

Overall, we found Milwaukee to be a very walkable city, especially in the downtown area and popular neighborhoods. During daytime hours, we felt comfortable walking almost everywhere.

However, as with any city, there were a few moments where we felt it was better to err on the side of caution. For instance, when exploring areas outside the main tourist spots or late at night, we often opted for rides instead of walking.

Here are some tips for safe walking in Milwaukee:

  • Stick to well-lit, populated areas, especially at night
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions like looking at your phone while walking
  • If you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and change your route or mode of transportation
  • In winter, be cautious of icy sidewalks and wear appropriate footwear

Milwaukee by Uber

We used Uber frequently during our stay in Milwaukee, particularly for longer distances or late-night trips. Our experiences were consistently positive, with friendly drivers and clean vehicles.

Here's where we chose to use Uber instead of walking:

  • To and from the airport
  • Late-night returns from bars or restaurants
  • Trips to attractions in less central areas (like the Pabst Mansion)
  • During inclement weather

Using ride-sharing services felt safe and convenient in Milwaukee. Just remember to always verify your driver and vehicle details before getting in.

Final Thoughts

So, is Milwaukee safe? Based on our week-long experience, we'd say yes, with the usual caveats that apply to any urban area.

Here are our top safety tips for visitors:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings, especially at night
  • Stick to well-populated areas
  • Use ride-sharing services for late-night trips or when exploring less central areas
  • Keep valuables out of sight and secure
  • Trust your instincts – if a situation feels off, remove yourself from it

Milwaukee surprised us with its charm, friendly locals, and delicious food scene (seriously, we're still dreaming about those cheese curds). While it has its challenges like any city, we found it to be a welcoming and generally safe destination for visitors.

Would we recommend visiting Milwaukee? Absolutely! Just pack your common sense along with your appetite for beer and cheese, and you're set for a fantastic Midwest adventure.

Remember, every traveler's experience is unique. We hope our perspective helps you make an informed decision about your own Milwaukee adventure. Safe travels, and don't forget to try a butter burger!

About Us: We're Tobi and Sarah, a middle-aged couple from Florida who recently tied the knot and decided to see the world while working remotely. Our goal is to provide diverse perspectives on safety and share mouthwatering food recommendations for all types of travelers. Sometimes one of us explores solo while the other works, giving us insights on safety for both couples and solo adventurers. We're passionate about food and always open to trying local cuisines (even if it means loosening our belts a notch... or three). Our hope is that our experiences can help everyone travel safer and smarter. After all, nothing beats a win-win situation where you get to explore new places AND stay safe doing it!

Milwaukee art Museum

Striking architectural view of Milwaukee Art Museum with its iconic wings fully extended against the sky
The Milwaukee Art Museum's breathtaking architecture left us speechless. The area around it felt safe and perfect for a leisurely afternoon stroll.

Overall, we found Milwaukee to be a very walkable city, especially in the downtown area and popular neighborhoods. During daytime hours, we felt comfortable walking almost everywhere.

However, as with any city, there were a few moments where we felt it was better to err on the side of caution. For instance, when exploring areas outside the main tourist spots or late at night, we often opted for rides instead of walking.

Here are some tips for safe walking in Milwaukee:

  • Stick to well-lit, populated areas, especially at night
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions like looking at your phone while walking
  • If you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and change your route or mode of transportation
  • In winter, be cautious of icy sidewalks and wear appropriate footwear

One day, we decided to take a longer walk from our hotel in the Historic Third Ward to the Milwaukee Art Museum. The route took us along the lakefront, which was absolutely gorgeous. We felt completely safe during this walk, with plenty of joggers, families, and other tourists around. The views of Lake Michigan were stunning, and we even stopped to watch a few sailboats gliding across the water.

However, we did have one slightly nerve-wracking experience. We were trying to find a highly recommended local coffee shop and ended up taking a wrong turn into a less populated area. The streets were quieter, and there were fewer people around. While nothing happened, we felt a bit uneasy and decided to backtrack to the main street. It was a good reminder that even in a generally safe city, it's important to stay aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts.

Milwaukee by Uber

We used Uber frequently during our stay in Milwaukee, particularly for longer distances or late-night trips. Our experiences were consistently positive, with friendly drivers and clean vehicles.

Here's where we chose to use Uber instead of walking:

  • To and from the airport
  • Late-night returns from bars or restaurants
  • Trips to attractions in less central areas (like the Pabst Mansion)
  • During inclement weather

Using ride-sharing services felt safe and convenient in Milwaukee. Just remember to always verify your driver and vehicle details before getting in.

One evening, after enjoying a fantastic dinner and perhaps one too many local craft beers at Lakefront Brewery, we decided to Uber back to our hotel rather than walk. Our driver was a long-time Milwaukee resident who shared some great local insights about the city's safety improvements over the years. He mentioned that while Milwaukee still faces challenges, it's come a long way in terms of safety and continues to make progress.

Final Thoughts

So, is Milwaukee safe? Based on our week-long experience, we'd say yes, with the usual caveats that apply to any urban area.

Here are our top safety tips for visitors:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings, especially at night
  • Stick to well-populated areas
  • Use ride-sharing services for late-night trips or when exploring less central areas
  • Keep valuables out of sight and secure
  • Trust your instincts – if a situation feels off, remove yourself from it
  • Research neighborhoods before visiting, especially if venturing off the beaten path
  • Consider using the UWM Mobile app for easy access to campus safety resources when near the university area
  • Be cautious of icy conditions in winter, both while walking and driving
  • If using public transportation, follow the safety tips provided by the Milwaukee County Transit System

Milwaukee surprised us with its charm, friendly locals, and delicious food scene (seriously, we're still dreaming about those cheese curds). While it has its challenges like any city, we found it to be a welcoming and generally safe destination for visitors.

One aspect that really stood out to us was the sense of community. During our visit to the Milwaukee Public Market, we chatted with a local vendor who shared stories about how the community comes together for various events and initiatives. This strong community spirit contributes to the overall feeling of safety in the city.

It's worth noting that Milwaukee, like many cities, has seen positive changes in recent years. The 9% decrease in violent crime from 2022 to 2023 is encouraging, and initiatives like the Vision Zero goal to eliminate traffic deaths by 2037 show a commitment to improving safety for residents and visitors alike.

For families visiting Milwaukee, we found plenty of safe, family-friendly attractions. The Milwaukee County Zoo and Discovery World were not only fascinating but also felt very secure, with visible staff and well-maintained facilities.

LGBTQ+ travelers should feel welcome in Milwaukee, especially in areas like Walker's Point. The city has a vibrant LGBTQ+ scene, and we found the atmosphere to be inclusive and accepting.

For solo travelers, we'd recommend sticking to well-populated areas and using common sense precautions, just as you would in any unfamiliar city. The downtown area and popular neighborhoods like the Historic Third Ward and East Side are generally safe for solo exploration during the day.

When it comes to seasonal considerations, be aware that Milwaukee's winters can be harsh. If you're visiting during the colder months, be prepared for potential icy conditions and dress warmly. On the flip side, summers in Milwaukee are beautiful, with plenty of outdoor events and activities that felt safe and welcoming.

One thing we appreciated was the visibility of law enforcement in tourist areas. While we thankfully didn't need their assistance, it was reassuring to see police officers patrolling popular spots, particularly in the evening hours.

Would we recommend visiting Milwaukee? Absolutely! Just pack your common sense along with your appetite for beer and cheese, and you're set for a fantastic Midwest adventure.

Remember, every traveler's experience is unique. We hope our perspective helps you make an informed decision about your own Milwaukee adventure. Whether you're drawn by the city's rich brewing history, its beautiful lakefront, or its emerging culinary scene, Milwaukee has a lot to offer. And with the right precautions, you can explore this gem of a city with confidence.

Safe travels, and don't forget to try a butter burger!

About Us: We're Tobi and Sarah, a middle-aged couple from Florida who recently tied the knot and decided to see the world while working remotely. Our goal is to provide diverse perspectives on safety and share mouthwatering food recommendations for all types of travelers. Sometimes one of us explores solo while the other works, giving us insights on safety for both couples and solo adventurers. We're passionate about food and always open to trying local cuisines (even if it means loosening our belts a notch... or three). Our travel experiences span from the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene landscapes of New Zealand, and now, the charming neighborhoods of Milwaukee. Our hope is that our experiences can help everyone travel safer and smarter. After all, nothing beats a win-win situation where you get to explore new places AND stay safe doing it!

In case of emergencies, here are some important numbers to keep handy:

Remember, while we strive to provide accurate and helpful information, always check official sources and recent updates before your trip. Milwaukee, like any city, is constantly evolving, and what was true for us might change over time. Stay informed, stay safe, and most importantly, enjoy your Milwaukee adventure!

Additional Safety Tips and Local Insights

After our week-long adventure in Milwaukee, we gathered some extra tips and insights that didn't quite fit into our main article. These nuggets of wisdom come from our personal experiences, conversations with locals, and additional research. We hope they'll help you navigate Milwaukee like a pro!

Neighborhood-Specific Tips

  1. Downtown: While generally safe, be extra vigilant around the Intermodal Station late at night. If arriving late, consider arranging a ride in advance.
  2. Historic Third Ward: This area is lovely during the day and early evening. If you're out late, stick to well-lit main streets rather than the quieter side streets.
  3. East Side: Around the university area, be aware of your surroundings, especially during weekend nights when the bar scene is lively.
  4. Bay View: This neighborhood is generally safe, but as with any area, be cautious when walking alone late at night.
  5. Walker's Point: While LGBTQ+ friendly and generally safe, use standard precautions when enjoying the nightlife scene.

Cultural Events and Safety

Milwaukee hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, many of which are family-friendly and well-policed. We attended the Milwaukee Film Festival, and were impressed by the safety measures in place. However, as with any large gathering, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be aware of your belongings in crowded areas
  • Have a meeting point in case you get separated from your group
  • Stay hydrated and know your limits if consuming alcohol

Public Transportation Safety

While we primarily used Uber, we did try out the Milwaukee County Transit System a few times. Here are some tips:

  • Use well-lit, busy bus stops, especially at night
  • Keep valuables secure and out of sight
  • Sit near the driver if traveling alone
  • Be aware of the MCTS safety recommendations

Weather-Related Safety

Milwaukee's weather can be quite extreme, so it's important to be prepared:

  • In winter, watch out for icy sidewalks and roads
  • During summer heat waves, stay hydrated and seek shade
  • Be aware of severe weather warnings, especially during tornado season (typically April to September)

Local Safety Initiatives

We were impressed by some of the safety initiatives in Milwaukee:

  • The Safe Place program provides safe havens for victims of hate crimes
  • Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 employs Public Service Ambassadors who can provide assistance and information

Interacting with Locals

Milwaukeeans are generally friendly and helpful. Don't hesitate to ask for directions or recommendations. However, use common sense:

  • Be cautious of overly friendly strangers, especially in tourist areas
  • Don't share too much personal information
  • If something feels off, trust your instincts

Emergency Preparedness

In addition to the emergency numbers we provided earlier, it's a good idea to:

  • Know the location of the nearest hospital to your accommodation
  • Have a basic first aid kit, especially if you plan on outdoor activities
  • Keep a physical copy of important phone numbers and addresses

Food Safety

As foodies, we couldn't resist trying everything from street food to high-end restaurants. While we had no issues, it's always good to:

  • Check health ratings for restaurants
  • Be cautious with street food, ensuring it's cooked thoroughly
  • Inform servers of any allergies or dietary restrictions

Remember, these are additional tips to complement our main article. Milwaukee is a wonderful city with so much to offer, and with these safety measures in mind, you're all set to enjoy its charm, culture, and yes, those irresistible cheese curds!

Safe travels, and may your Milwaukee adventure be filled with great memories (and minimal cheese-induced food comas)!

West Parker
West Parker
Article updated:
August 20, 2024 6:16 PM

West Parker, a Cornell University School of Hotel Administration graduate, has spent two decades as the secret weapon of the jet-set elite, crafting bespoke adventures that redefine luxury travel. Now a resident writer for Town & Tourist, this 45-year-old "Architect of Extraordinary Journeys" combines razor-sharp insights with unparalleled industry connections to deliver experiences that even the most discerning globetrotters can't help but rave about. West's expertise spans from exclusive real estate to fine dining, making him the go-to strategist for those who demand nothing but the extraordinary in their travels.

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