Is Los Angeles Safe? Crime Rates Are Dropping While Tourists Thrive

Explore the City of Angels through the eyes of a seasoned traveler as we unravel LA's safety landscape, from Hollywood glitz to hidden gems.

West Parker
West Parker
July 2, 2024

Los Angeles. The mere mention conjures images of palm-lined streets, celebrity sightings, and endless sunshine. But let's be real - it also brings to mind headlines about crime, homelessness, and that infamous LA traffic. So which is it? A dream destination or an urban nightmare?

My wife Sarah and I found ourselves pondering this very question before our recent 7-night stay in the City of Angels. As a couple of middle-aged remote workers from Florida (I'm still "29" forever though, right?), we're no strangers to city life. But LA? That's a whole different ballgame.

Our parents were quick with warnings: "You'll get caught in a drive-by!" (Thanks, Mom). Meanwhile, Reddit threads painted a picture of sun-soaked bliss, claiming "It's totally chill if you're not an idiot." So which is it? Is Los Angeles the stuff of dreams or nightmares?

Well, buckle up buttercup, because we're about to take you on a wild ride through the mean (and not-so-mean) streets of LA. I'm going to share exactly how we sussed out the safety situation before our trip, and then give you the unvarnished truth about our week-long adventure. From Hollywood hijinks to beachside bliss, we'll cover it all. And don't worry - we'll throw in plenty of foodie finds along the way, because let's face it, nothing says "safe travels" like a belly full of tacos.

Ready to see if LA lives up to the hype (or the warnings)? Let's dive in!

3 Safety Factors to Consider

Before we packed our sunscreen and dreams of spotting Brad Pitt at Whole Foods, we did some serious homework on LA's safety situation. Here's our crash course in LA Safety 101:

1. State Department Travel Advisory

First stop on our safety investigation? Uncle Sam himself. The U.S. Department of State dishes out travel advisory ratings from 1-4, with 1 being "Exercise normal precautions" (think: sipping mai tais in Hawaii) and 4 being "Do not travel" (think: war zones and places where they still haven't heard that fanny packs aren't cool).

So where does LA fall? Drumroll please...

Los Angeles gets a solid 2 - "Exercise increased caution." It's like the State Department is saying, "Hey, have fun, but maybe don't flash that Rolex around, mkay?"

For context, this puts LA on par with many other major U.S. cities. It's not exactly Disneyland (although that's nearby if you're into overpriced churros), but it's far from the danger zone some might imagine.

Interestingly, while LA itself is a 2, some areas just outside the city limits are labeled a 3 - "Reconsider travel." It's like LA is the donut, and you want to stick to that sweet, sweet center.

State Department Check: PASS (but keep your wits about you, folks)

2. Latest News

Next up, we dove into the latest headlines. Because nothing says "relaxing vacation research" like scrolling through crime stats, right?

Surprisingly, it wasn't all doom and gloom. Los Angeles experienced a 17% reduction in homicides in 2023 compared to 2022. That's like the crime equivalent of a summer blockbuster flopping at the box office - not great for the producers, but fantastic for the rest of us!

The city has also seen a 33% reduction in flash robberies since they started a new task force. Apparently, LA thieves are more into slow-motion robberies now. (Joking, joking!)

However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There has been an increase in certain types of crimes that may affect tourists, such as robberies (up 10.5% compared to 2023) and car thefts. So maybe leave the Ferrari at home and opt for a nice, inconspicuous rental Corolla instead.

On the plus side, LA is pouring money into improving public transit safety. They're even considering establishing their own police force for the Metro system. Because nothing says "safe subway ride" like a cop asking to see your ticket, right?

Current News Check: PASS (with a side of caution)

3. Community Forums

Finally, we turned to the real experts: random people on the internet! (I kid, I kid... sort of.)

Diving into TripAdvisor forums and Reddit threads, we found a pretty consistent message: LA is generally safe for tourists, but like any big city, you need to use common sense and stay alert.

One TripAdvisor user shared, "I felt completely safe walking around Santa Monica and Venice Beach during the day. The boardwalk was lively and well-patrolled." Well, if it's good enough for TripAdvisor user SurfDude92, it's good enough for us!

Reddit users echoed similar sentiments, with many saying they felt safe using public transportation during daytime hours. Though one user did warn, "Downtown LA can be sketchy at night, especially around Skid Row. I always use ride-sharing services after dark in that area." Noted, Reddit stranger. Noted.

The general consensus seemed to be: stick to well-populated areas, don't flash expensive items, and you'll probably be fine. It's like the urban equivalent of "don't feed the bears" - common sense goes a long way.

Community Forum Check: PASS (but maybe avoid becoming BFFs with every stranger you meet)

First Hand Experience in Los Angeles

Armed with our research and a healthy dose of cautious optimism, Sarah and I set out to explore the City of Angels. Here's our neighborhood-by-neighborhood breakdown of LA's safety scene:


Tourists exploring the Hollywood Walk of Fame, showcasing the iconic attraction's bustling atmosphere and star-studded sidewalks
Navigating the crowds on the Walk of Fame feels like a star-studded adventure. Just keep an eye on your valuables while star-spotting!

Ah, Hollywood. Land of stars, dreams, and... surprisingly sticky sidewalks?

We started our Hollywood adventure bright and early, hitting the Walk of Fame just as the sun was warming up those famous stars. During the day, the area was bustling with tourists, street performers, and the occasional superhero impersonator (pro tip: Spider-Man expects tips for photos, folks).

The Hollywood Walk of Fame felt safe during daylight hours, though we did keep a close eye on our belongings. It's not that we didn't trust Batman to protect us, but you know, even superheroes have off days.

We enjoyed:

  1. TCL Chinese Theatre - Saw some famous handprints and didn't get our pockets picked. Win-win!
  2. Hollywood & Highland Center - Great for people-watching and souvenir shopping.
  3. Musso & Frank Grill - Oldest restaurant in Hollywood. The martinis are strong enough to make you forget about safety concerns altogether!

As night fell, the vibe definitely changed. The crowds thinned out, replaced by a... let's say "eclectic" mix of characters. We decided to play it safe and Uber back to our hotel rather than walking. Better safe than starring in our own late-night Hollywood drama, right?

Is Hollywood Safe? YES (during the day) / CAUTION (at night)

Beverly Hills

Shoppers browsing luxury storefronts on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, highlighting the area's upscale and secure atmosphere
Window shopping on Rodeo Drive is a sport in itself. The only thing more impressive than the price tags? The vigilant security presence.

Next up: Beverly Hills, where the streets are paved with gold (or at least, very expensive asphalt).

From the moment we stepped into this posh neighborhood, we felt like we'd entered a different world. The police presence in Beverly Hills is noticeably high, which makes sense given all the high-end stores and celebrity homes.

We window-shopped along Rodeo Drive (emphasis on window - unless you're prepared to sell a kidney for a handbag), and I swear I saw more security guards than actual shoppers. It's like Fort Knox, but with better fashion sense.

Our Beverly Hills highlights:

  1. Rodeo Drive - Felt very secure. Even the mannequins looked judgmental.
  2. Beverly Gardens Park - Lovely for a stroll, and the only mugging you'll experience is from the price tags at nearby shops.
  3. The Cheese Store of Beverly Hills - Because nothing says "safe travels" like splurging on fancy cheese, right?

We even ventured out after dark in Beverly Hills, and it felt as safe as can be. Though to be fair, the scariest thing we encountered was the bill at a swanky restaurant. Talk about heart-stopping!

Is Beverly Hills Safe? YES (but your wallet might be in danger)

Santa Monica and Venice Beach

Families enjoying the Ferris wheel on Santa Monica Pier, showcasing the area's family-friendly atmosphere and iconic coastal views
The Santa Monica Pier Ferris wheel offers stunning views and a sense of carefree fun. It's LA's seaside charm at its safest and most magical.

Ah, beach time! Nothing says "LA" quite like palm trees, sand, and the occasional muscle-bound weightlifter, am I right?

We hit Santa Monica State Beach early one morning, and let me tell you, it was glorious. The beach was clean, well-patrolled, and full of joggers, families, and early-bird tourists like us. We felt completely at ease strolling along the shoreline and out onto the iconic Santa Monica Pier.

Venice Beach, just a short walk south, was a different vibe entirely. During the day, it's a bustling, eclectic scene. Street performers, skateboarders, and very... creative individuals abound. We kept a close eye on our belongings, but never felt unsafe.

Our beachside adventures included:

  1. Santa Monica Pier - Felt safe even with the crowds. The Ferris wheel is a must!
  2. Venice Beach Boardwalk - A bit edgy, but in a fun way during the day.
  3. Abbot Kinney Boulevard - Trendy shops and restaurants, very secure vibe.

As night fell, we noticed a shift, particularly in Venice. The quirky daytime atmosphere gave way to a slightly more unpredictable vibe. We opted to Uber back to Santa Monica for dinner, which felt much more family-friendly after dark.

Are Santa Monica and Venice Beach Safe? YES (daytime) / CAUTION (Venice at night)

Downtown LA

Visitors enjoying panoramic views from OUE Skyspace observation deck in Downtown LA, highlighting the area's impressive architecture
The view from OUE Skyspace makes you feel on top of the world - and far from any street-level concerns. It's DTLA at its finest and safest.

Downtown LA, or DTLA as the cool kids call it, was next on our list. Talk about a mixed bag!

During the day, the business district was bustling with suited professionals and tourists snapping photos of the impressive architecture. We felt perfectly safe wandering around, checking out spots like the Walt Disney Concert Hall and The Broad museum.

However, we heeded the advice we'd read about Skid Row and made sure to steer clear of that area, particularly after dark. It's a stark reminder of the homelessness issues facing the city, and while most individuals aren't dangerous, the area can feel unpredictable.

Our DTLA highlights:

  1. Grand Central Market - Foodie heaven! We felt safe even in the crowds.
  2. The Last Bookstore - A book lover's dream, and we felt totally at ease browsing.
  3. OUE Skyspace - Great views, and the security made us feel extra safe way up high.

We did venture out for dinner one night in DTLA, but stuck to well-lit, busy areas and used Uber for any longer distances. It definitely felt different after dark, with a noticeable decrease in foot traffic in some areas.

Is Downtown LA Safe? YES (business district during day) / CAUTION (at night and in certain areas)


Students enjoying a sunny day in Westwood Village near UCLA, showcasing the area's safe and vibrant college-town atmosphere
Westwood's youthful energy is contagious. With students everywhere and campus security nearby, it's one of LA's most comfortable spots day or night.

Our last neighborhood exploration took us to Westwood, home to UCLA and a decidedly college-town vibe.

The moment we stepped into Westwood Village, we felt a sense of ease. The UCLA campus brings a constant flow of students, professors, and campus police to the area, making it feel secure even into the evening hours.

We enjoyed:

  1. UCLA campus tour - Felt incredibly safe with campus security visible.
  2. Hammer Museum - Free and fantastic, with a very secure atmosphere.
  3. Diddy Riese Cookies - Because safety tastes better with freshly baked cookies!

Even after dark, Westwood felt lively and safe, with students out and about, enjoying the local restaurants and movie theaters. It was a refreshing change from some of the edgier parts of LA we'd experienced.

Is Westwood Safe? YES (day and night)

Los Angeles by Foot

Now, let's talk about hoofing it around LA. Spoiler alert: we did a LOT of walking.

In most tourist areas during the day, we felt completely comfortable on foot. The sidewalks were generally well-maintained, and in popular spots like Santa Monica or Beverly Hills, there were always plenty of other pedestrians around.

However, we did have one slightly unnerving experience. We were trying to find a Metro station to buy a transit card (for a bike rental scheme that ultimately didn't work out), and Google Maps led us down a less-traveled street. We found ourselves in an area with some makeshift homeless encampments, and while no one bothered us, we definitely felt out of place. We promptly turned around and headed back to more familiar territory.

The lesson? Stick to well-populated, well-lit areas, especially if you're not familiar with the neighborhood. And maybe don't trust Google Maps to always take you the "best" way!

Los Angeles by Uber

Travelers safely using Uber service on a busy Los Angeles street, demonstrating the convenience and security of ride-sharing options
Uber became our go-to for nighttime adventures in LA. It's like having a local friend with a car - safe, convenient, and full of local tips!

When we weren't walking, we were Ubering. And let me tell you, Uber in LA is a godsend.

We found the service to be fast, affordable, and most importantly, safe. All our drivers were professional and courteous, and the cars were clean and well-maintained.

We primarily used Uber for:

  1. Airport transfers (because navigating LA traffic after a long flight? No thank you!)
  2. Evening outings (especially in areas like Downtown LA or Hollywood)
  3. Longer trips between neighborhoods
  4. Any time we felt even slightly unsure about walking

One night, after a fantastic dinner in West Hollywood, we considered walking back to our hotel in Beverly Hills. It wasn't far, but it was late and we were in an unfamiliar area. We opted for an Uber instead, and were glad we did when our driver pointed out some areas along the way that can get a bit sketchy at night.

Final Thoughts

So, is Los Angeles safe? After our week-long adventure, our verdict is... mostly yes, with some common-sense caveats.

Like any big city, LA has its trouble spots and potential risks. But in our experience, as long as you stay alert, stick to well-populated areas, and use some basic street smarts, you're likely to have a safe and enjoyable visit.

Here are our top safety tips for LA visitors:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings, especially in tourist-heavy areas
  • Don't flash expensive jewelry or electronics
  • Use ride-sharing services like Uber for night trips or unfamiliar areas
  • Stick to well-lit, populated areas when walking, especially after dark
  • Keep car doors locked and valuables out of sight if you're driving
  • Trust your instincts - if a situation feels unsafe, leave the area
  • Be cautious when approaching homeless individuals, but remember that homelessness itself is not a crime
  • Learn basic earthquake safety procedures, just in case (though major quakes are rare)
  • Keep a copy of important documents separate from originals
  • Use official taxi services or reputable ride-sharing apps
  • Avoid sleeping on public transportation, especially during late-night hours
  • Be aware of pickpocketing risks in crowded tourist areas

Despite some initial nerves, Sarah and I found LA to be a vibrant, exciting city with so much to offer. From the glitz of Hollywood to the laid-back vibe of the beaches, we experienced a wide range of what LA has to offer - and we did it all without any major safety issues.That said, we did make some adjustments to our usual travel style. We were more cautious about night-time activities in certain areas, relied more heavily on ride-sharing services, and were extra vigilant about our belongings in crowded tourist spots.Would we recommend visiting Los Angeles? Absolutely! The city's diverse neighborhoods each have their own unique character and charm, and the food scene alone is worth the trip (those tacos, oh my!). Just remember to pack your common sense along with your sunscreen, and you'll be set for an amazing LA adventure.One last tip? Make Roma Norte your home base if you can. We loved the area's mix of safety, convenience, and local flavor. Plus, it's a foodie paradise - win-win!About UsHey there! We're Tobi and Sarah, a middle-aged couple (though I'll insist I'm "29" forever) from sunny Florida. We're newlyweds with a serious case of wanderlust, currently living our best lives as digital nomads. Our goal? To explore the world, one city at a time, all while working remotely and indulging our food obsessions.We believe that with the right information, everyone can travel safer and smarter. That's why we're committed to sharing our experiences - both the good and the "well, that was interesting" - with fellow travelers. We've explored everywhere from the bustling streets of Bangkok to the serene fjords of Norway, always with an eye on safety and a nose for the best local eats.Our travel style? Think "cautious foodies with a side of adventure." We're not afraid to try the local street food (in fact, we live for it), but we also believe in doing our homework when it comes to safety. We figure if we can help even one person have a safer, more enjoyable trip, then our job is done. (Though if we can also point you towards the best tacos in town, that's a nice bonus!)By reading our articles, you'll get:

  1. Real, unfiltered experiences from two regular folks just trying to see the world
  2. A balanced view on safety - we're neither paranoid nor reckless
  3. Tips on how to travel smartly, whether you're a solo traveler, a couple, or a family
  4. The inside scoop on the best local food scenes (because let's face it, that's half the reason we travel!)
  5. Insights on how to blend work and travel, for all you aspiring digital nomads out there

So come along for the ride! We promise to keep it real, keep it safe, and always know where to find the best cup of coffee in town. Because at the end of the day, travel should be about creating amazing memories, not worrying about what might go wrong. Let's explore the world together - safely, smartly, and with very full stomachs!

West Parker
West Parker
Article updated:
August 20, 2024 6:16 PM

West Parker, a Cornell University School of Hotel Administration graduate, has spent two decades as the secret weapon of the jet-set elite, crafting bespoke adventures that redefine luxury travel. Now a resident writer for Town & Tourist, this 45-year-old "Architect of Extraordinary Journeys" combines razor-sharp insights with unparalleled industry connections to deliver experiences that even the most discerning globetrotters can't help but rave about. West's expertise spans from exclusive real estate to fine dining, making him the go-to strategist for those who demand nothing but the extraordinary in their travels.

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