Is Amsterdam Safe? Surprising Safety Amidst Its Liberal Reputation

Discover how this vibrant Dutch capital balances its liberal reputation with surprising security, through the eyes of seasoned globetrotters.

West Parker
West Parker
July 11, 2024

Ah, Amsterdam. The mere mention of the name conjures up images of picturesque canals, world-class museums, and... coffee shops that don't exactly specialize in espresso. But what about safety? If you ask my in-laws, they'd probably warn us about getting caught up in some international drug ring (thanks, Hollywood). Meanwhile, the savvy travelers on Reddit will tell you it's as safe as any other European city - just watch out for those speeding bicycles!

So, which is it? Is Amsterdam a den of illicit activities or a welcoming haven for tourists? Well, my wife Sarah and I decided to find out for ourselves. We spent a week exploring every nook and cranny of this Dutch gem, all in the name of research (and, okay, maybe a bit of personal enjoyment too).

As a 45-year-old travel writer and safety expert with two decades of experience crafting bespoke adventures for the jet-set elite, I've seen my fair share of cities. But Amsterdam? It's in a league of its own. So buckle up (or should I say, strap on your bike helmet?) as we dive into the real scoop on Amsterdam's safety, based on our recent adventure in the Venice of the North.

3 Safety Factors to Consider

Before we set foot in Amsterdam, we did our homework. Here's how we assessed the city's safety from afar:

01- State Department Travel Advisory

First things first, we always check the U.S. Department of State's travel advisories. They use a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 being the safest and 4 being a hard "nope, don't go there."

Amsterdam (and the Netherlands as a whole) currently sits at a Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution. Now, before you start canceling your reservations, keep in mind that this is the same level as France, the UK, and even Denmark - you know, the home of hygge and happiness.

The main reason for this rating? The threat of terrorism, which, let's be honest, is a concern for most of Europe these days. But don't let that scare you off your stroopwafel - the Dutch take security seriously, and visible police presence in tourist areas is common.

State Department Check: PASS (with a side of awareness)

02- Latest News

Next, we dove into recent news about Amsterdam. Surprisingly, most of the headlines were about tourism management rather than crime. The city has been implementing new rules to tackle overtourism, which might affect accommodation options but actually contributes to a safer, more manageable city environment.

We did come across a tragic incident at Schiphol Airport in May 2024, but it was an isolated accident rather than a crime-related event. It does, however, highlight the importance of following safety protocols in all aspects of travel.

On a brighter note, Amsterdam is making strides in technology and healthcare. The city is part of an expanding Trustworthy and Responsible AI Network, which aims to enhance healthcare services. As someone who always factors in medical care when traveling, this was reassuring to learn.

Latest News Check: PASS

03- Community Forums

Finally, we turned to the real experts - fellow travelers. We scoured TripAdvisor forums and Reddit threads for recent experiences in Amsterdam.

The consensus? Amsterdam is generally considered safe, with most travelers reporting positive experiences. Common advice included being aware of pickpockets in crowded areas (just like any major city) and watching out for bicycle traffic (a uniquely Amsterdam hazard).

One TripAdvisor user wrote, "As a solo female traveler, I felt incredibly safe in Amsterdam. The city's open and inclusive atmosphere made me comfortable exploring day and night." This echoed many similar sentiments we found.

Community Forum Check: PASS

First Hand Experience in Amsterdam

Now, onto the juicy part - our actual experience wandering the streets of Amsterdam. We explored seven distinct neighborhoods, each with its own character and charm. Here's the lowdown:

01- Centrum (City Center)

Tourists in Dam Square, Amsterdam, with Royal Palace, highlighting the bustling yet safe atmosphere of the city center
Dam Square was always lively, but we felt secure with the visible police presence. Don't forget to admire the Royal Palace!

The beating heart of Amsterdam, Centrum is where you'll find many of the city's iconic sights. It's also where you'll find crowds of tourists, so keep your wits about you.

We spent our first day here, taking in the Royal Palace, Dam Square, and yes, dodging bicycles left and right. The area is well-lit and heavily patrolled, which made us feel secure even as jet-lagged tourists fumbling with our map.

Pro tip: Visit the Amsterdam Museum for a fascinating dive into the city's history - including its evolution from a rough sailor's town to the safe, modern city it is today.

Is Centrum Safe? YES (but watch your pockets in crowds)

02- Jordaan

Charming street in Jordaan, Amsterdam, with typical Dutch houses and flower boxes, showcasing the area's quaint appeal
Wandering through Jordaan's quiet streets, we felt like locals. The flower boxes and friendly neighbors made it feel like home.

Ah, Jordaan - the neighborhood that stole our hearts. With its narrow streets, quirky shops, and cozy brown cafés, it's easy to see why it's a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

We felt completely at ease wandering here, even late into the evening. One night, we got a bit lost (blame the winding canals, not the local beer), and a kind elderly resident not only gave us directions but insisted on walking us part of the way. Talk about Dutch hospitality!

Don't miss the Noorderkerk, a beautiful 17th-century Protestant church. On Saturdays, the square in front hosts a lovely farmers market - perfect for sampling local cheeses and stroopwafels.

Is Jordaan Safe? YES (and charming to boot)

03- De Pijp

Lively nighttime scene in De Pijp, Amsterdam, with people at outdoor cafes, illustrating the area's safe and vibrant atmosphere
De Pijp after dark was a revelation - bustling yet comfortable. We enjoyed local beers without a worry in the world.

De Pijp is Amsterdam's hipster haven, packed with cool cafes, international restaurants, and the famous Albert Cuyp Market. It's also home to the Heineken Experience, if you're into that sort of thing (we may have indulged, all in the name of research, of course).

We felt safe here both day and night, though it can get lively in the evenings, especially around the Gerard Douplein square. Nothing rowdy, just good-natured fun.

One evening, we stumbled upon a local street festival. Despite the crowds, the atmosphere was friendly and welcoming, with families, young people, and tourists all mingling happily.

Is De Pijp Safe? YES (just pace yourself if you're bar-hopping)

04- Oud-Zuid

Tourists at Rijksmuseum entrance with 'I amsterdam' sign, showcasing the safe and cultural atmosphere of Oud-Zuid
The Rijksmuseum was a cultural feast, and the area felt secure even with the crowds. Don't miss the 'I amsterdam' sign for a classic photo op!

Oud-Zuid is Amsterdam's posh neighborhood, home to high-end shops, beautiful parks, and world-class museums. We spent a day here visiting the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum, feeling perfectly safe amidst the mix of culture vultures and luxury shoppers.

The area around Museumplein can get crowded, but it's well-monitored. We saw regular police patrols, which was reassuring without being intrusive.

Is Oud-Zuid Safe? YES (just don't let the fancy shops tempt you into bankruptcy)

05- Amsterdam Noord

Passengers boarding the free ferry to Amsterdam Noord, highlighting the safe and efficient public transport in Amsterdam
The free ferry to Noord was a delightful surprise. It's quick, safe, and offers fantastic views of the city skyline.

Amsterdam Noord is the city's up-and-coming district, accessible by a free ferry ride across the IJ river. It's a bit grittier than the center, with a cool industrial-chic vibe.

We visited during the day to check out the A'DAM Lookout (hello, panoramic views!) and the EYE Film Museum. The area felt safe, though it's less populated than the city center, so we were a bit more alert, especially in the evening.

Is Amsterdam Noord Safe? YES (but stick to well-lit areas at night)

06- Oost

Diverse crowd enjoying Oosterpark in Amsterdam Oost, showcasing the area's inclusive and safe atmosphere
Oosterpark in Oost was a melting pot of cultures. We felt completely at ease among the locals enjoying their day.

Oost (East) is a diverse, residential area that's becoming increasingly popular with young professionals and families. We loved the laid-back vibe and the beautiful Oosterpark.

We felt very safe walking around here, even stumbling upon a local neighborhood party. The diversity of the area is reflected in its fantastic restaurant scene - we had some of the best Indonesian food of our lives here!

Don't miss the Tropenmuseum, a fascinating museum about world cultures. The area around it is particularly pleasant and safe.

Is Oost Safe? YES (and deliciously diverse)

07- Red Light District

Police presence in Amsterdam's Red Light District at night, illustrating the area's tight security despite its reputation
The Red Light District's strong police presence was reassuring. Remember, no photos of the workers - respect is key here!

Ah, the infamous Red Light District. Despite its reputation, we found it to be surprisingly... ordinary? Yes, there are the famous windows and plenty of adult entertainment, but there's also a strong police presence and plenty of regular businesses.

We visited both during the day and at night. While it definitely gets livelier after dark, we never felt unsafe. That said, it's wise to be extra vigilant here, as the crowds can attract pickpockets.

Remember, it's strictly forbidden to take photos of the sex workers. We saw a tourist get a stern talking-to from a very intimidating Dutch police officer for trying to sneak a pic. Don't be that guy.

Is the Red Light District Safe? YES (but stay aware and respectful)

Amsterdam by Foot and Bike

Cyclists using dedicated bike lane in Amsterdam, showcasing the city's bike-friendly infrastructure and safety measures
Amsterdam's bike lanes are a cyclist's dream. Just remember to follow the rules - the locals take their cycling seriously!

One of the joys of Amsterdam is how walkable (and bikeable) it is. We spent most of our days on foot, easily strolling between neighborhoods and attractions.

Walking felt safe everywhere we went, even late at night. The streets are well-lit, and there are always people around in the central areas. Just remember to look both ways before crossing - those bike lanes can be treacherous if you're not paying attention!

Speaking of bikes, we decided to go full Dutch and rented bikes for a day. The city's extensive network of bike lanes made us feel safe even as novice city cyclists. Just make sure to follow the rules and signals - Dutch cyclists take their bike lanes seriously!

We did use Uber a few times, mainly when we were feeling lazy or it was raining (which, let's be honest, happens a fair bit in Amsterdam). All our experiences with Uber were positive, with friendly drivers and clean cars.

Here's when we opted for Uber:

  • To and from the airport (dragging luggage on public transport is no fun)
  • One late night after a concert at Paradiso
  • During a particularly heavy rainstorm (our hotelThe assistant has delivered the first part of the article in an artifact. To continue with the rest of the article, I'll need to ask for the next section.

Last edited 12 minutes ago

Recommended Safe Itinerary

Based on our experiences, here's a 3-day itinerary that balances must-see attractions with safety considerations:

Day 1: Central Amsterdam

  • Start at Dam Square, taking in the Royal Palace and National Monument
  • Walk down to the Anne Frank House (book tickets in advance!)
  • Explore the charming Jordaan neighborhood
  • Evening canal cruise for a safe and beautiful night view of the city

Day 2: Museum Day

  • Visit the Rijksmuseum in the morning (fewer crowds)
  • Lunch at the Museum Quarter
  • Afternoon at the Van Gogh Museum
  • Evening walk in Vondelpark

Day 3: Amsterdam Noord and De Pijp

  • Take the free ferry to Amsterdam Noord
  • Visit the A'DAM Lookout for panoramic views
  • Afternoon exploring De Pijp and the Albert Cuyp Market
  • Evening in Oost for dinner at one of the diverse local restaurants

Final Thoughts

So, is Amsterdam safe? In our experience, absolutely yes. Like any major city, it has its challenges, but overall, we found it to be secure, welcoming, and easy to navigate.

Here are our top safety tips for Amsterdam:

  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded tourist areas
  • Keep a close eye on your belongings on public transport
  • If you rent a bike, always lock it securely
  • Stick to well-lit areas at night
  • Be respectful in the Red Light District - no photos of sex workers
  • Use caution when walking near canal edges, especially at night
  • Don't buy drugs from street dealers - if you must partake, stick to licensed coffee shops

Amsterdam surprised us with its perfect blend of liberal attitudes and strong security measures. It's a city that manages to feel both exciting and safe, edgy and welcoming. Whether you're admiring Dutch masters at the Rijksmuseum or sampling space cakes in a coffee shop, you're likely to feel secure and at ease.

Just remember to watch out for those bikes!

About Us

Hey there! We're West and Sarah Parker, a couple of food-loving, safety-conscious remote workers from Florida. We've been married for five years and have made it our mission to explore the world while helping others travel better and safer.

West here - I'm a Cornell University School of Hotel Administration graduate who's spent two decades as the secret weapon of the jet-set elite, crafting bespoke adventures that redefine luxury travel. Now a resident writer for Town & Tourist, this 45-year-old "Architect of Extraordinary Journeys" combines razor-sharp insights with unparalleled industry connections to deliver experiences that even the most discerning globetrotters can't help but rave about.

Sarah's the real brains of the operation (don't tell her I said that). She's a cybersecurity expert by day and a food blogger by night. Together, we're on a quest to find the perfect balance of adventure, safety, and deliciousness in every corner of the globe.

We believe that with the right information and a dash of street smarts, everyone can travel safely and enjoyably. So whether you're a solo backpacker or a family of five, we hope our experiences and tips help you make the most of your adventures. Safe travels, and bon appétit!

West Parker
West Parker
Article updated:
August 20, 2024 6:15 PM

West Parker, a Cornell University School of Hotel Administration graduate, has spent two decades as the secret weapon of the jet-set elite, crafting bespoke adventures that redefine luxury travel. Now a resident writer for Town & Tourist, this 45-year-old "Architect of Extraordinary Journeys" combines razor-sharp insights with unparalleled industry connections to deliver experiences that even the most discerning globetrotters can't help but rave about. West's expertise spans from exclusive real estate to fine dining, making him the go-to strategist for those who demand nothing but the extraordinary in their travels.

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