
5 min read

67 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Monaco 🇲🇨

Learn 67 essential French phrases for your Monaco trip, from greetings and dining to shopping and nightlife. Blend in with the locals and navigate the principality with confidence.

Tobi Miles
March 30, 2024
67 Basic French Phrases for Your Next Trip to Monaco 🇲🇨

Bonjour, mon ami! 🙋‍♂️ Welcome to the glitzy and glamorous world of Monaco, where the French Riviera meets the high rollers! 💰 While French is the official language here, the Monégasque dialect adds a unique twist to the mix. But don't worry, we've got you covered with this ultimate guide to 67 essential French phrases that'll have you blending in with the locals faster than you can say "ooh la la!" 😉

Greetings and Pleasantries 🤝

In Monaco, greeting others with a smile and a friendly bonjour is a must! Here are some key phrases to get you started:

  1. Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) - Hello
  2. Salut (sah-loo) - Hi (informal)
  3. Au revoir (oh ruh-vwahr) - Goodbye
  4. Bonne journée (bun zhoor-nay) - Have a good day
  5. Bonne nuit (bun nwee) - Good night
  6. Merci (mehr-see) - Thank you
  7. De rien (duh ryahn) - You're welcome
  8. S'il vous plaît (seel voo pleh) - Please
  9. Excusez-moi (ehk-skew-zay mwah) - Excuse me
  10. Pardon (pahr-dohn) - Pardon me
  11. Comment allez-vous? (koh-mahn tah-lay voo) - How are you?
  12. Je vais bien, merci. (zhuh vay byahn, mehr-see) - I'm well, thank you.

Dining and Cuisine 🍴

Monaco is known for its exquisite cuisine, blending French and Italian influences. Here are some phrases to help you navigate the culinary scene:

  1. Je voudrais... (zhuh voo-dreh) - I would like...
  2. L'addition, s'il vous plaît. (lah-dee-syohn, seel voo pleh) - The check, please.
  3. C'est délicieux! (seh day-lee-syuh) - It's delicious!
  4. Je suis végétarien(ne). (zhuh swee vay-zhay-tah-ryahn/ryehn) - I'm vegetarian.
  5. Je suis allergique à... (zhuh swee ah-lehr-zheek ah) - I'm allergic to...
  6. Un verre de vin rouge/blanc, s'il vous plaît. (uhn vehr duh vahn roozh/blahn, seel voo pleh) - A glass of red/white wine, please.
  7. Je prendrais... (zhuh prahn-dreh) - I'll have...
  8. Bon appétit! (bohn ah-pay-tee) - Enjoy your meal!

Some must-try local dishes include:21. Barbajuan (bahr-bah-zhwahn) - Monégasque fried pastry filled with chard and ricotta22. Stocafi (stoh-kah-fee) - Stockfish stew23. Fougasse (foo-gahs) - Flatbread with olives and herbs24. Socca (soh-kah) - Chickpea flour pancake

Getting Around 🚕

Monaco may be small, but knowing how to get around is key! Here are some useful phrases:

  1. Où est...? (oo eh) - Where is...?
  2. La gare (lah gahr) - The train station
  3. L'arrêt de bus (lah-reh duh boos) - The bus stop
  4. Le casino (luh kah-zee-noh) - The casino
  5. Le palais princier (luh pah-leh prahn-syeh) - The prince's palace
  6. La plage (lah plahzh) - The beach
  7. Combien coûte un billet pour...? (kohm-byahn koot uhn bee-yeh poor) - How much is a ticket to...?
  8. Je cherche... (zhuh shehrsh) - I'm looking for...
  9. Tournez à gauche/droite. (toor-nay ah gohsh/drwaht) - Turn left/right.
  10. Tout droit (too drwah) - Straight ahead

Shopping and Fashion 🛍️

From luxury boutiques to local markets, Monaco is a shopper's paradise! Here's how to shop like a pro:

  1. Combien ça coûte? (kohm-byahn sah koot) - How much does this cost?
  2. C'est trop cher! (seh troh shehr) - That's too expensive!
  3. Avez-vous une taille...? (ah-vay voo oon tah-yuh) - Do you have this in size...?
  4. Je peux essayer ceci? (zhuh puh eh-seh-yay suh-see) - Can I try this on?
  5. Je le/la prends! (zhuh luh/lah prahn) - I'll take it!
  6. Où puis-je trouver...? (oo pwee zhuh troo-vay) - Where can I find...?
  7. Les soldes (lay sohld) - Sales
  8. La maroquinerie (lah mah-roh-keen-ree) - Leather goods

Enjoying the Nightlife 🍸

Monaco comes alive at night with its vibrant clubs and casinos. Here's how to party like a VIP:

  1. On va danser? (ohn vah dahn-say) - Shall we dance?
  2. Je peux vous offrir un verre? (zhuh puh vooz oh-freer uhn vehr) - Can I buy you a drink?
  3. C'est ma chanson préférée! (seh mah shahn-sohn pray-fay-ray) - This is my favorite song!
  4. Où est la meilleure boîte de nuit? (oo eh lah meh-yuhr bwaht duh nwee) - Where's the best nightclub?
  5. Un autre verre, s'il vous plaît. (uhn oh-truh vehr, seel voo pleh) - Another drink, please.
  6. Amusez-vous bien! (ah-mew-zay voo byahn) - Have fun!

Flirting and Compliments 😘

Looking to charm the locals? These flirty phrases will definitely help:

  1. Tu es très beau/belle. (tew eh treh boh/behl) - You're very handsome/beautiful.
  2. J'adore ton sourire. (zhah-dohr tohn soo-reer) - I love your smile.
  3. On peut se revoir? (ohn puh suh ruh-vwahr) - Can we see each other again?
  4. Je suis fou/folle de toi. (zhuh swee foo/fohl duh twah) - I'm crazy about you.
  5. Tu me plais beaucoup. (tew muh pleh boh-koo) - I like you a lot.

Monaco Slang and Local Lingo 😎

Impress the locals with these slang phrases:

  1. Bim - A casual greeting, similar to "hey"
  2. Chéper - Something expensive or overpriced
  3. Kéké - A show-off
  4. Floppée - A lot, a large amount
  5. Nickel - Perfect, spot on

Customs and Sensitivities 🙏

To avoid any faux pas, keep these customs and sensitivities in mind:

  1. Always greet shopkeepers and servers with "Bonjour" when entering and "Au revoir" when leaving.
  2. Dress elegantly, especially when visiting casinos or upscale restaurants.
  3. Tipping is not obligatory, as service charges are usually included, but it's appreciated for exceptional service.
  4. Avoid discussing personal wealth or financial matters openly.
  5. Be respectful of the royal family and local traditions.

Things to Watch Out For ⚠️

Stay safe and avoid these pitfalls:

  1. Pickpockets can be common in crowded tourist areas, so keep an eye on your belongings.
  2. Some clubs and bars may have high minimum drink or table charges, so check before entering.
  3. Monaco's laws and penalties can be strict, so behave responsibly and avoid any illegal activities.
  4. Traffic can be heavy during peak seasons, so plan accordingly when getting around.


Q: Do I need to know French to visit Monaco?A: While knowing some basic French phrases is helpful, many locals in the tourism industry speak English. However, making an effort to speak French is always appreciated!

Q: What's the best time to visit Monaco?A: May to September offers the best weather, but the peak season is July and August. For fewer crowds, consider visiting in the shoulder months of April, May, September, or October.

Q: Is Monaco expensive to visit?A: Monaco has a reputation for being pricey, but there are options for various budgets. Accommodations and dining can be expensive, but many attractions and experiences are accessible to all.

Et voilà! With these 67 French phrases and insider tips, you'll be ready to conquer Monaco like a true jetsetter. Remember to have fun, be respectful, and embrace the joie de vivre! Bon voyage! 🇲🇨✨

Tobi Miles
Article updated:
March 30, 2024
A nomadic wordsmith savoring the world's flavors and penning stories that turn every journey into an epic.
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